Sunday, November 22, 2015

Retirement, Take Five (Old Rockers)

After I made the decision to retire, my employer sent me a letter offering me the choice of a commemorative rocking chair, a table lamp, or an equivalent financial donation to a charity of my choice. Although I am afraid that I am still not convinced that the chair will become the treasured family heirloom upon my demise as the letter declared, I opted for the rocker of the stereotypical retired person. I mean: A ROCKER! (And I am not one who usually uses exclamation points.) The stereotype: the old woman (or man) in maybe velour sweatpants and hoodie, slippers, sitting and rocking, a movement back and forth that gets nobody anywhere. As if I am become Grandma Moses. At best. Go to work and be productive one day and then the next day be relegated to the ranks of the invisible and infirm, moving but stuck in one place. Forgetful at best, demented at worst. Old and obsolete, relegated to the intellectual and professional dustbin.

This attitude--and it does lie beneath the Politically Correct surface, I assure you--toward people of a certain age is a part of American culture that relentlessly values the young and the new even if the new and the young may not be as novel as they think. But the young don't understand that because they have no sense of history (they weren't there) and as far as I can see, they don't want to know about history. They don't ask about pre-them time. (I know I am overgeneralizing, but there is at least some truth to this. And I do not limit this to the well-under-forty group by any means, and I do smile to myself when I hear people do "Woe is me" when they turn fifty. Oh, come on. I remember fifty.) As a friend says, "It's all new to them." For them, precedents don't matter at least in part because those precedents are associated with those of us who are either on their way to rocking chairs or already in them. And this happens during a time of alleged concern for diversity pretty much everywhere.

And it seems I am expected to adopt this attitude: I am old and infirm, obsolete, to be left rocking away.

Here's a word for you: ageism.

Hit a certain age and you are expected to say, "My rocker, c'est moi," I guess, if the choice of gifts is any indication.

But I am still here. I don't feel like a fossil.

Consider this: in some ways I am in  better shape than I was ten (or maybe even more) years ago (then a time when I am sure to some I was already part of what they see as Jurassic Park). And I would like to suggest that my mind is in better shape than it has been for decades, if only because I am free (mostly) from the distraction and stress of work. I mean, I can finally think a thought.

Most people have no idea how it feels to be my age. (Or, depending on your age, dear reader, OUR age.)

I already had more lamps than I was using, and, to be honest, I did want something to mark my years of service. Perhaps (if it had been available, but then it wasn't, and after all, clocks perpetuate the stereotype too, tick-tock), a nice wall clock would have been more appropriate--but then some friends had already given me a very cool light-sensitive wall clock that plays Beatles tunes on the hour as a combined birthday and retirement gift, so another clock would have been neither here nor there. Instead of the rocker I probably would have been content to keep my oldish school-issued laptop rather than have to take everything off it, put it on my home laptop and my external hard drive and save, save, backup, backup, but that option was not to be. (Someone else had asked.)

As I write this, the rocking chair I received is serving as an informal clothes rack. In the four months since I received it, it has started to smell less-new than it did when I set it on the lawn in the backyard to take a photo of it once it arrived. I have tucked it between a tall bookcase and a floor lamp, near the heat vent, and I am hoping that in the winter it will serve as a place for me to sit and read.

I have always liked rocking chairs. The first piece of furniture I bought for myself as an adult was a rocker, dark-stained pine, now in hibernation in the garage (which functions as an attic since I have no attic). I also have two small rockers, one from my childhood bedroom, white, a sort of French Provincial, painted by my father, and a second that I took, much later, from my grandfather's workshop. The French Provincial one sits in the living room and serves as an extension of a bookcase, and the other, upstairs in my bedroom, has a cat sleeping on a pillow on it as I write this.

In addition, a few years ago, I bought and spray-painted red two pine rockers for the deck at the back of my house. On summer evenings there I sit, my feet up on the railings: backward, forward. I rest my head against the top of the chair and see the blue hour through the leaves. So all but the new rocker are old.

I like rockers and I was as gracious as I could be about this new retirement chair, all things considered. I was not going to kick such a gift in the mouth (so to speak), but I am wise enough to know that it is special since it recognizes thirty-nine years of work in one place. It is nice to have something that does that. As with other things, the new rocker may come to grow in sentimental value over time. Time might prove to be on the new chair's side.

But not now. It is just too new.

Old rockers: they have not just age but character from a time when people made-do (as my parents and grandparents used to say) and when perhaps "new" was not always the obvious preference for seemingly everything in the universe, including people. The old rockers have the occasional ding from pretty much daily use for years. This is all part of their beauty, their character.

Maybe it's not the retirement rocker per se that bothers me. A piece of furniture is a nice gift, after all, and it was well-intended. But I am bothered about the attitude that comes with it--and this is by no means limited to any single employer. I am finally free from daily work-for-pay. I have time, finally, for some balance. Time for myself, for a return to authenticity, to the genuine, to the possibility of saying no (to whomever since I no longer have a full-time supervisor or colleagues to play nice with, but anyhoo)--but also, as I choose, to say yes.

But I have known for twenty-plus years that the human body replaces cells every seven years (apoptosis, in case you were wondering), so it is not as though I have just started aging. Pay attention here: even babies age. More than that, why should youth necessarily represent the only perfection of any kind? Why is what somebody thinks of physical perfection as it is narrowly defined by the culture important? Why does beauty have to be conceived only as the conventional beauty of the young? Character can seem to be a little unformed or amorphous or just not visible in those conventionally beautiful and young. (But perhaps I am missing something or not looking carefully enough.)

Why is perfection determined only by the exterior, primarily by looks, a notion that I would like to think anybody with a functioning brain might admit is....well, maybe important in its way, but also superficial?

As far as I am concerned, my age means that I have been successful. Aging means that I am still alive. Retirement does not necessarily equal illness. Nor does aging have to mean what Anne Karpf in The Guardian on November 5 characterized as "the pastel-ization of old age"--as if we of a certain age fade, fade until we become  faint and old and enfeebled versions of our former selves, asexual prune-eaters with arthritic hips and sore knees. Among other ailments.

In this version, we start our lives, apparently, in whatever the latest technicolor, saturated colors are.

Until we fade into invisibility and move to The Great Beyond.

The Big Lifelong Fade Away.

It's as if, after a certain age, the culture expects me to morph into human and fading Muzak. At best. Yes, for over ten years my hair color has not been natural, and for nearly twenty years I have used reading glasses. (I have had glasses, plain old glasses, since second grade. So?) I have always liked to walk and now I can do more of it because I have more time to myself. Do I value comfort more than I used to? Not really. I never was a fashionista and I am not going to start now. (Does it really matter if I wear jeans that are more mom than gangsta or skinny?) Do we really want to be that superficial? (I have resolved to be the last person on the face of the earth without a tattoo or a piercing aside from one piercing in each year for earrings which in my case long predates the current fashion for body art.) If anything, thus far retirement  has made possible a rejuvenation of my sense of self-possession. (And I still do have all my original body parts. So far, anyway.)

I do know this: this mortal coil is only temporary. Yes, the wolf is at the door, but then it always has been. Maybe other people have spent their lives thinking they were invincible, but for the most part, I have not. My world has always seemed a but too risky, too fragile. I could get hit by a bus any day. Fall in the shower. Choke on a vitamin or a piece of rigatoni. Not to mention all the risks that come from interactions with others: think "going postal" or 9/11 writ small or large. Sometimes I am surprised we are not all agoraphobic. (Yes, this is written by a person who has gone to Southeast Asia by herself multiple times. The wolf if everywhere. So be it. I go anyway.)

But still. I prefer--as of this writing, anyway, and I do touch wood again as I write this--to think of aging not as decline (I hope I have good genes) but also as a time for growth. Youth to me never equaled perfection, I don't think, just busyness and obligation. Or maybe I missed the perfection stage. I do know that people less than half my age have all kinds of energy and aspirations, and good for them. But they don't have a corner on the market.

Old rockers, I am convinced, are cool.(And I assure you that I am about to make a deliberative, associational leap here; I am not unknowingly wandering off to another related-enough subject. I am far from demented. Just come along with me here.) Consider the musicians I came of age with (so to speak) and who are still around: half of the Beatles. All of the Rolling Stones. (Okay, so now they are without Brian Jones, Mick Taylor and Bill Wyman, and Bobby Keys recently joined the horn section in the sky.) The Who. Granted, some of their voices may not sound the same as they did fifty years ago, but whose does? Why is a younger voice necessarily better to sing rock and roll and blues? We are not talking about a boys' choir here, for crying out loud. (Coincidentally, "Not Fade Away" was the first song Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote.)

The pre-Socratic philosophers knew you can't step in the same river twice--sing into the same microphone twice. Play to the same audience twice. Have the same job twice. No Groundhog Day for most of us, not complete life do-overs. The only constant is change--and with that change comes a wolf of one kind or another, even if sometimes we manage to forget he is there. Life is fragile. Life is iffy. Tempus fugit.

But wait a minute: what about that which prevails given all this risk, all this change?

Back to the old, more experienced rockers: name a song that is more of a rocker than "Helter Skelter." Or "Helen Wheels." More of a rocker than The Who's "Baba O'Reilly." Or the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" or "Gimme Shelter."

The songs still rock, and as far as I am concerned, so do the singers. Rock and roll, like play, is an attitude, not an age. It's fun, exuberant, even if at this point it may not always aspire to appear totally unrehearsed. (That would be disingenuous.)

Rock and roll prevails. That's what prevails.

More than that, if you have never lived through an event that metaphorically connects one way or another with the chaos, the angst suggested in "Gimme Shelter," then you haven't lived much. If you don't understand "Midnight Rambler" in some visceral way even if you have never been physically, violently threatened....then you need to get out more. Risk more.

Or develop an imagination. Which also means a sense of play. Which also means possessing an agile mind and an open heart. All of which may or may not be common characteristics of people much younger than I am and who, God help me, seem to be selfie-driven. (No offense, but enough with the photos of you. I already know what you look like. I may be overgeneralizing, but I don't think by much.)

The Rolling Stones are supposed to have the best concert around when it comes to spectacle, especially when compared to their beginnings in north London fifty years ago. And there is a lot to be said for seeing Keith Richards, hard rocker of hard rockers, sing and play. He's an outlaw, a pirate. A man with gnarled fingers and not too much of a dad bod, all things considered. (He is over seventy.) A man still with some swagger and rawness. Still. Given how he has lived and the amount of drugs and alcohol that has gone through his body, he should not be alive. He just shouldn't. Yet the Rolling Stones seem to enjoy what they are doing, the sheer physicality of it. And they keep doing it.

Only in the last year or two has Keith Richards let his hair go white as he plays the iconic riffs that the fans go to see in person: the dum dum/dum dum dum beginning of "Satisfaction", for instance. Or think of the beginning "who-whoo"s of "Sympathy for the Devil."

Granted, he may not always be clearly playing as many notes as he used to, all things considered, but, well, the only constant is change, and who cares if things are not totally the same? Here's a thought: Keith Richards' and Mick Jagger's voices may not have the same tone and power that they had fifty years ago, but that occasionally gravelly sound complements the lyrics and finally adds character.

In a time of hyper-speed marketing and elevator speeches: character. Integrity. Not words that you hear often these days.

It s not overstating it to say that Keith and Mick are still badass motherfuckers.

They cannot need the money. Maybe they want to further secure their legacy. Maybe they just want to play. Sentimentality (as some of you may think this is all about) aside, these old rockers do hark back to a simpler AM radio kind of time when all they wanted was to play and write the music they loved--and when all the listeners wanted was to listen and to, in a small way, maybe feel a moment of transcendence.

Along the way, the Rolling Stones learned to work the crowd as well as the music.

Rock and roll is the opposite of rocking in a chair. (Not surprisingly, recently I read that--surprise!--singing and dancing promote brain health.)

If you have any doubts about the Rolling Stones' resilience and resonance, their energy these days, then take a look at their concert at the Glastonbury Festival in 2013 on YouTube. Keith's  Chuck Berry moves during "Satisfaction." Mick running miles without losing his breath and singing "It's Only Rock and Roll." His strutting and prancing (his father was a physical education teacher, by the way). About four minutes into "Brown Sugar" he calls out "Put the lights on, Patrick" without missing a beat. Think about this: it may be this exact dancing, their energy, even now defining rock and roll so it is no longer solely the game of the youngest. "It's only rock and roll/But I like it, like it, like it." Grandfathers belting it out while they wear clothes that very few men their age (and in some cases, men far younger than they) could carry off.

BUT if you are short on time, check out only the 2013 Glastonbury "Gimme Shelter," seven and a half minutes of what I hope is your long life. Look at the moves and listen to the voices and backup singer Lisa Fischer sounding as good as she ever has and dancing in boots with impressive (and likely painful) heels. Think about that, about keeping old sings fresh and energized requiring a certain talent. That talent makes the music look the right kind of effortless. Age does not seem to slow them down much, really. (If at all.)

By the way, please tell me exactly what it is YOU are planning n doing when you are in your seventies. Hmmmm?

And if the Stones have more special effects than they used to have in the Ed Sullivan days, so be it. More power to them. Pyrotechnics and confetti are all part of rocking these days. They are still edgy in their way: I mean, Keith Richards is a white-haired pirate rocker.

There is nothing pastel about them.

They are playing their hearts out. And from the music: fun, and making possible transcendence, too.

Old rockers are the best.

Or as Keith Richards says in his recent biographical film Under the Influence, "You're never grown up until they put you six feet under." The film shows him recollecting in New York, Chicago, Nashville. At home. "Nobody wants to get old. Nobody wants to die young," he says. Keith Richards is all cigarette smoke and blues headband or cool fedora, all gravelly voice and deeply-lined face. He earned that face. And he has a great smoky, rumbly laugh.

"I'm not getting old," he says. "I'm evolving."

And he is right.

May we all keep rocking.

Copyright Sandra Engel

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Retirement, Take Four

Two surprises: in retirement I have not been reading as much as I expected I would be, and when I do read, I find I am reading in a way far different from how I used to. Not surprisingly, my eyes are just about never tired the way they were when I was working full-time, mostly under fluorescent lights.

I was looking forward to having big chunks of time to myself once I retired, and as long as I manage my time, I do have them: I cluster errands (lunch with friends, the visit to the supermarket, the library and the gym and then finally to Dunkin' Donuts for my senior discount which I do think they should rename to the British "concession"), and some days I am busy at home for the most part, a morning of revising, then lunch, laundry, vacuuming, a little rearranging of the furniture or playing with the cats, and then I walk for an hour in the neighborhood. You get the idea.

I can's say I made a list of books, but I did have some ideas before I retired about what I wanted to read: at least the first book of Diana Gabbadon's Outlander Scotland time-travel series, since these days time-travel does seem relevant; Charles Dickens' Our Mutual Friend since the characters named Veneering seemed relevant to my view of the world of late; and maybe the Harry Potter series (or maybe just watch all the movies, which may be a more realistic goal, all things considered). I wanted to reread some of the Nancy Drew books, Marilyn Robinson's Housekeeping, and E.L. Doctorow's Book of Daniel, one of my all-time favorite books, a fictionalized view of the Rosenberg trials told from the point of view of one of the sons. I wanted to again read around in the essays of Montaigne (you can do that with them), and read James Joyce's Ulysses and James Boswell's Life of Johnson and maybe reread Lawrence Sterne's Tristram Shandy just for fun. For years I said I was saving the complete Paradise Lost for retirement, but that will have to take a place WAY at the back of the line. I just got a copy of John Irving's Avenue of Mysteries.

But as of Day 150 of retirement, I have read fairly little, all things considered. I finished a biography of Eric Clapton (it ended in 1984 or so), and I reread part of Pattie Boyd's autobiography after I met her (more on this in a late blog. She is the ex-wife of both Beatle George Harrison and Eric Clapton). For me, this is not much. I read magazines (The Week, Smithsonian) and at least part of the weekday New York Times plus a local paper. I read The Guardian online.

This may be a significant change in who I am. Since I read my first Nancy Drew book, I have been a reader. There has always been a book near the couch and on the nightstand. Always. The first thing I did whenever I moved to a new location was to get a card at the local public library (even when I was working on a Ph.D. in English, no less and had plenty to read). I have no idea how many boxes of books I have in addition to those in the bookcases. I have about forty books on my iPad, the iPad's advantage being that books there don't require dusting or shelving or eventually moving somewhere. Books are heavy. Plus, the high definition retinal display is much easier for me to read than fuzzy grey print on lighter grey paper that has been recycled, recycled, recycled.

Especially in retirement, reading may no longer prove to be the necessary escape that it had to be during my time as an employee, including the months I had off in the summer. I no longer feel the powerful need to read to decompress, to get away away away from the meetings and politics any more. By reading.

Still, I have pre-ordered the latest Ian Rankin tartan noir mystery novel set in Edinburgh, and it should arrive during the coldest part of the winter. Right now I am reading Slightly Distracted, an autobiography by Steve Coogan, one of the funniest actors I know of (although he is far better known in the United Kingdom than he is in the United States). Here he is best known, probably, for the journalist (and he was the writer and producer as well) of the movie Philomena. He was also in both The Trip and The Trip to Italy a few years ago, and a summer or two ago he starred in the movie Alpha Pappa, known in the U.S. as Alan Partridge, a long-standing, downwardly-mobile goof of a radio celebrity now at North Norfolk Radio. (Alan Partridge's trajectory from being the host of chat show on British television a good twenty years ago to this is pretty clearly downhill.)

I am not sure how I found out about this Alan Partridge character except maybe by accident through a YouTube video of Monty Python linked to something. Maybe. At some point I realized this was the character whose earlier book,  I, Alan Partridge, was displayed prominently in British bookstores when I happened to be there a few years ago. At that time, even after reading the first few pages, I didn't get it. Him. I get it now. Alan Partridge is the creation of Steve Coogan and Alan is a D.J. cousin of Basil Fawlty in John Cleese's Fawlty Towers.

Alan Partridge is not just a jerk. In current parlance, he is a prick. And especially in Coogan's later work, Midmorning Matters (online) and the recent Alan Partridge movie, he can be hysterical.

Fortunately, Steve Cogan is not an academic, and Slightly Distracted  is light but interesting reading with no sensationalism. (Coogan does a lot of things well, including singing--lip synching--in the car. Check out the first twenty minutes of the Alan Partridge movie.) His is a celebrity story that is in some places surprisingly Coogan-family-focused which I am sure some will find disingenuous given the tabloid articles about him a few years ago. (I Googled him.) From the north of England--Manchester--he applied to five drama schools before he was accepted. He moved to standup; to doing voices for Spitting Image, a satirical television show; moved on to the Alan Partridge TV chat show  Knowing Me, Knowing You; and then to comedies and then to the movies. (And one of the movies was Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story.)

Coogan is fifty, and it shows in a good way. Google enough, and you will learn that he once interviewed John Cleese somewhere (and it does get a mention in the book), but nowhere can I find that anybody made an audio- or videotape of it. Coogan is a grown-up with an interesting history that in the book he gets specific-enough about.

I tend to be skeptical of celebrity autobiographies, but most of the people I know have never heard of Coogan, and somehow that makes my reading about a celebrity okay. I mean, he is not a Kardashian, and even if I want more juicy details about his early cocaine years and his rehab, what is in the book will do just fine instead (even though the book ends in 1992). And I have to give him credit for leaving that rehab story (stories, more likely) out even though some more cynical than I might characterize the book as a ploy to rebrand himself as he evolves, now booze- and cocaine-free. Now a respected actor. The book even includes a photo of his parents as well as one of him with his daughter.

At this writing I am about halfway through the book, and although it consists of humorous stories and observations (sometimes with just enough of an edge), Coogan does offer two pieces of advice. The second one is to surround yourself with clever people, and the first is to "do the work."

Yes, I did the work, and I was very lucky to work with colleagues who knew all kinds of things and could certainly handle their end of a conversation.

I am not reading Slightly Distracted quickly or with any obsession, and this is exactly how I have done the little reading I have done since late May. Here is my point: I am reading it slowly. I am not reading it quickly for the main ideas or because I have to decide what I think about it and then explain it to someone who does not know much about it. I don't have to take notes on it (even for my book club) or read it with a pen in my hand unless I want to. Through Amazon, I ordered Slightly Distracted from England for cost plus  $3.99 postage, and the book arrived with an old-timey bookmark.

All things considered, I have the feeling I may find that I remember more of Steve Coogan's book than I have of much I have read in I don't know how long.

Leisure reading. Reading for pleasure.



Copyright Sandra Engel

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Retirement, Take Three

My name is Sandy, and I am a recovering employee.

I only realized this lately, and I had no idea, really, that this was coming. Until I started to think about retiring, I was for the most part reasonably content at work, at least on most days. Once retirement seemed possible and I considered the alternative of not retiring (more meetings, more of the same that was starting to lose its shine), I had little problem hitting GO. (Although I like to think I do not consider peer pressure as much as many do, the fact that a lot of people my age seemed to be living lives of leisure in retirement did have some impact, if only because they never looked tired.) Truth be told, there have been a few small annoying bumps to this transition, including sorting out the official date of my retirement. (You would think a retirement start date is a start date, but not so. Oh well.) Social Security does not automatically tell you to let them know how much you want taken out for taxes. But those bumps were balanced in the long run, really, by the fact that the retirement incentive that my employer offered did end up in the bank right on time. (I checked the very day it was scheduled to happen.)

I write this on Day 137 of Retirement. A new way of measuring time.

My retirement honeymoon, or at least the beginning of it, coincided with at least some of the time I would have had off in the summer had I not retired. This summer felt different, though, if only because I was still working out what stuff of my career to keep, what to give away, and what to trash. This was a summer of celebration, of grinning to myself before I even got out of bed because I did not have to get out of bed for a workday the way other people do. I didn't have to get up right then, much less get dressed for work.

I threw out even more work clothes than I expected to--and even more still need to be rehomed, so to speak. I have seen my family more this summer than I have in most summers, have seen friends, went for walks, talked to the cats and even watched some TV. For a change there was just about no rush. NO RUSH. I had also been wise enough to plan to travel overseas during the time when I would otherwise have been required to return to full-time work. (A blog or two on those travels will arrive....eventually.)  I put my online teaching into a box: I did the teaching, and I think I am doing it as well as I have ever been, but it is now clearly a part-time job that I do when I am wearing my bunny slippers. It is clearly not a way of life.

There's the rub.

I may be a new, or newish, me.

After a while I started thinking about what I want to accomplish every week: get the new windows installed, paint the trim, rearrange the furniture in the spare room. But that didn't work because in some cases I could get all those things done in one or two days at the end of the week. (But the rhythm of the week has changed, and by Fridays I am no longer exhausted.)

So then the plan was to try to get something practical and concrete accomplished every day: wash the cat beds, rearrange the living room furniture, pick up the dry cleaning, work on the blog, call my brother, have lunch with friends. That worked to some extent, but each day needed even a little more structure. I am far more capable of binge watching Last Tango in Halifax on Netflix or napping or surfing than I knew.

As much as it ate up time and mental energy, full-time work provided structure, even if it often came down to at-work/not-at-work.  I once looked at a long-term colleague  about a year ago after we first heard "work-life balance"  in a meeting and he said, "Balance? They didn't want balance. They wanted us to WORK."

I am way too happy and resourceful to dither away a lot of time.

I am hoping that I will not always be a recovering employee the way alcoholics and addicts are forever recovering. I have done no more searching moral inventory than I have ever done, and to go further down the twelve-steps would be to insult twelve-step programs. (A colleague of mine, himself a friend of Bill W.,  many years ago once characterized Alcoholics Anonymous as "the most truly Christian organization on the face of the earth." I can't say I have any personal experience with AA, but given what I do know of it and like organizations, it seems to me, that, hyperbole aside, there might be something to my colleague's observations.)

I can say that all those years of full-time work seem to be growing smaller, increasingly in the distance as I make my way forward. I have other things to occupy my mind, but I still do have to admit that I enjoy hearing the latest happenings when I run into somebody from work in the supermarket. Unfortunately, X's spouse has cancer, Y is retiring in January, and Z had a temper tantrum that resulted in whatever. These are all people I know. And I tell them my news. It is a chatty fifteen minutes.

I mean, I did spend 39 years of my life there, which if you calculate the time at ten months a year, at my age it was:

39 years x 10 months of employment per year=390 months
My age x 12 months in a year=780 months

Or roughly half the days of my entire left I worked in one location. Even if you factored out the sleeping time and weekends from both calculations, it would still be half my life.(IF you roll in time off at Thanksgiving, Christmas, semester and spring breaks, all into a nine-month year, the numbers will still be impressive. And yes I KNOW how fortunate I was not to have a fifty-week a year/two weeks of vacation job. Believe me, I know.)

It may take a while to fully detach--if I ever totally do--but it seems to me that I have made pretty good progress, all things considered.

Those of us with a reflective cast of mind like to think about things, and I really DO like to think about things now that I finally have enough time--what other people think (perhaps) of unlimited time since I am  retired and therefore obsolete, or so it seems to some, I think, though nobody says anything out loud because that would not be cool, and hey, overt discrimination is not professionally becoming. Think about this: NOBODY of any age has unlimited time. Ahem. Really, it's not live free or die but rather live free and then one way or another you will die. We all will. Get used to it.

So. Here is the mid-thinking-about-things plan as of now:

1. I need more structure and more exercise than walking and watching the DVD of  (okay, I do some of the poses) Yoga for The Rest of Us. Next stop: gym membership.

2. In the mornings I am likely to be doing something pleasantly solitary. Please don't call. Or if you call, lease leave a message.

3. Please do call, and when you do, please know that we can certainly plan.

4. To whatever extent that I have a choice, I would prefer not to dress up. I dressed up (some times more than others, granted) for a long time. Please cut me some slack here. I like jeans and sweaters for a change. Flannel. Ragg socks. Remember: I am recovering.

5. At some point or other, I need to make newer connections, people not directly connected to my former place of full-time employment. And I think it is also important for me to keep track of the number of days I have been retired, if only because I can, since it marks a new way of seeing my time and because, hey, on this calendar (of a sort), I don't have to ask for time off or rearrange my dental appointment (scheduled six months ago) for, say, a meeting that just cropped up.

I am in many ways (but not all) comparatively employer-free.

Similarly, I am for the most part supervisor-free.

Think about that.


Copyright Sandra Engel

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Retirement, Take Two

Retirement, Take Two

I am trying to be brief here for a change.

For a change, I finally have big chunks of time to myself. Yes, I am still in the "I don't want to/I don't have to/You can't make me/I'm retired" stage. Maybe I will grow out of it somehow, but right now doing so is not a priority. Some not totally random observations now that I have time to actually think a thought:

Over the years, I had forgotten how much I like poached eggs and how much my cats like catnip.

Since I am eating far better (that is, less processed food unless you count yogurt, white bread English muffins, and Vietnamese Trung Nguyen coffee--"Inspired Creativity"), I may need to buy a small freezer when the snow flies. My refrigerator, like the rest of my house, is small. Cauliflower and fish take up more room than Lean Cuisine used to. But where to put the freezer?

Facebook and other social media can be an even more powerful time suck than when I was employed full-time. I like keeping in touch with friends and getting glimpses into the lives of people (by far mostly women) I grew up with and haven't seen since I went to college. Also, say what you want, but there is wit of a sort on the interweb: for example, the person joking that since the VW diesel problems were discovered by someone in WV (West Virginia), there must be a conspiracy. Someone else is waiting to see if his sister is having a girl or a boy so he will know if he is going to be an aunt or an uncle. Neil Armstrong was an alien because Neil A backward is...You get the idea.

Even though I am trying to live comparatively time-free, since it is fall, months into my retirement, it is time to get into a routine. Please don't call before noon unless it is an emergency. Let's plan ahead.

Looking back, I would like to thank the people who listened to me ad infinitum, ad nauseam about the timing of my retirement. I am sure the conversations were even more tiresome than I now suspect they were. Thank you.

I never learned to type as I was told I needed to way back when--and without it I managed through my career and through more education than most people want. I did the typing all with two fingers that did build up speed over the years. If I had learned to type, I am not sure where I would have ended up, since there was a time when typing was one of the job requirements for most positions held by women (say, secretarial positions). Yay me. Yay universe.

I was warned that after I retired, most people I worked with would forget who I was. Well, so far I have gone into work all of four times, mostly to pick up my daily el cheapo New York Times that the Library saves for us who do not go in every day.  When I duck in, at least some people holler out to me and do not appear to have relegated me to the pile of old, obsolete and faintly remembered emeriti--an academic long-dead Jurassic Park, let's say. This reaction lasts as long as it lasts. I was glad to see them, too. So good, so far.

The other day I lost a contact lens. I had been getting ready to go for a walk, so I had been closing windows and such when all of a sudden my Superwoman vision was curiously blurry.

The lens could have been anywhere downstairs. I went on my hands and knees almost everywhere looking for it but decided to wait to call to order a replacement lens. (These are rigid gas permeable lenses, not water-soaked saran wrap.) I do have a second pair, but I was not happy. But, wonder of wonders, when I looked again a couple hours later, TA-DAA! There it was on the floor by the door. Sometimes things do show up.

You never know. Then again, sometimes I do.

 Copyright Sandra Engel

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Retirement, Take One

Retirement, Take One

I write this about 100 days into retirement.

At first I kept a journal, numbered day by day, and I still do try to, although the surprising euphoria that arrived on Day One is starting to mellow a bit and I find myself starting to reflect. But still. Workers of the World, know this: I don't have to set the alarm clock! I can keep whatever hours I like! I have the money--not a lot, but I hope enough--and, best of all, I do not have to haul ass into an office any more. No more panty hose and heels. If I want, I can fritter away time, and so be it. Yes indeedy I have had a few Ebenezer Scrooge/Alistair Sim moments at the end of A Christmas Carol, all unembarrassed giddiness and hilarity, happy dancing in the kitchen. Yes, more than once. And I do have two songs, or at least a line of the songs, to this new part of my life: singing R-E-T-I-R-E-D to Aretha Franklin's "Respect". Or I sing "Living on Sandy Time," to the tune of "Living on Tulsa Time".

Go me.

Let's just say this retirement gig is okay. So far, anyway.

Actually--touch wood--that is an understatement. Even if this is the honeymoon phase. And I do know that at some point the novelty will not seem as novel.

For me retirement was a process. I prepared for it the way I have approached a number of things: I thought and thought about it. (In fact, it is fair to say that for a few years I obsessed about it.) I read. The first book I read, summers ago, was The Joy of Not Working, and the one line in the early pages that said I would not have to spend time with people I did not like justified the cost of the book and began my slow conversion to believing retirement might be worth doing. I read Carl Klaus' Taking Retirement: A Beginner's Diary, and the collected Boston Globe columns by Donald M. Murray on life after sixty, My Twice-Lived Life: A Memoir. (Incidentally, they had both been mentors to me, one in Iowa and one in New Hampshire.) I read Carolyn Heilbrun's The Last Gift of Time: Life Beyond Sixty in which she mentions the comfort of not having to wear a dress or suit every day. I considered the happy prospect of life without meetings. I scrolled through blogs that always began with "Make sure you have enough money"  even though there was no consensus as to what that amount should be. After the financials, the writers offered advice (and occasionally waxed rhapsodic) about volunteering, driving their RV from Walmart to Walmart, and going on what looked like high-end cruises. One blogger even detailed everything he did on a spreadsheet (time, place, costs), a task so beyond comprehension that I was momentarily speechless. My life in boxes: a mindset, along with the national triumph of corporate data over collegial dialectic, that I was deciding I wanted to leave behind.

Most of the well-intended helpful hints I read were not going to be for me, I knew, but I skimmed them anyway. I made the mistake of discovering the stock market app on my iPhone, but after a while I stopped obsessing about that, too. As time went on, my thinking was I might be able to do whatever floated my boat. For a change. If I ever retired slowly became when.

I tried to imagine my retirement: I could volunteer at the local humane society, but then I would come home bearing a new cat every week and maybe fleas as well. I could learn to cook. Read more. Write more. Maybe learn to swim. Travel not just for work or at the height of the tourist season. I thought for a year that I wanted a three season porch built on the back of my house, but when the time came, the last thing I wanted was a bunch of contractors pounding and clomping around for three weeks now that I was finally home and doing whatever I wanted (and pretty much only what I wanted, which means that I can appreciate how quiet my house really is--and how roomy it can be after I rearrange a little more). So the porch can wait. It was what I thought I wanted in the past, and maybe if it is less what I want now, perhaps that is because in some ways I was not who I was before. Preferences and interests change over time. How had I managed to forget that?

And I consulted friends who had already chosen to retire. Everybody declared they were "busier than I have ever been." Nobody looked sad. More importantly, everybody looked better than they ever had while working full-time. And when I was at my most-waffling-what-if stage, a friend made a very helpful point: "You need to remember that this is about Numero Uno."

And I was Numero Uno.

Maybe for the first time in a long time, or at least for the first time in the recent past.

And when I looked around at work, I realized that most of the people I had the greatest respect for--some of whom came of professional age with--were very likely on their way out the door (some happily, some less so) within a few years. We want to protect the things we love, but that collective thing, my work friends, our shared history and our joint projects and all they stood for, were going to be gone in five years at the most. Newbies courted by the institution did not have to pay the dues we had had to and had no history. Plus there were other changes to the institutional culture. (And, for the record, I know such changes are part of a national trend. The mindset is not only local.)

Or as another retired friend, one I have known since we were undergraduates, pointed out, in your childhood you do what your parents want you to do. Then as an adult you do what your job wants you to do. And then finally when you retire, you can do what you want to do. He had relocated to Mexico for the winter and returned to Boston for the summers. His email always sounded happy.

So although I have not yet bought the T-shirt that says "I don't want to/I don't have to/You can't make me/I'm retired", that thinking is part of my current mindset. If I want to paint my toenails purple, I will. Teal green fingernails. I can binge watch Orange is The New Black (the last scene in the final episode is charming, not that that is a word I would use about the series as a whole as much as I enjoy it). Doc Martin. Luther, Peaky Blinders. The Jewel in the Crown, which I had not seen since it was first broadcast in the 1980s. Thus far retirement offers a renewed opportunity for self-possession. I like it. I don't need a focus group; I do what I want to do when I want to do it. Although my container lettuce went to seed quickly and neighborhood critters killed my two post-retirement tomato plants, living once gain feels contentedly organic, as fluid as a late summer rainfall. I can go blueberry picking or to New York City. Or not. Or answer email or call my brother out of state right now. Let me put it this way: I can dare to eat a peach (and I have) or not. I have painted the new window frames and tended to everyday things pretty much as I need to, but this is all in a context of I DON'T HAVE TO.

The issue is choice.

There may be something to Live Free Or Die after all.

The movement I needed was on my shoulder.

As I was making the decision to retire, I framed a photo of the Beatles crossing Abbey Road, leaving their formerly beloved place of work, and put it on the stairwell at home so I saw it every day, an Outta Here image if ever there was one. (Granted, Abbey Road was not their final album, but then again it is likely I may work part-time, too, if only to see what it feels like and, frankly, to see how much I need the money.)

Emptying my office took several months, off and on. The early cleaning out was quite the stroll down memory lane, uncovering the old purple dittos of yesteryear stashed in the back of a file cabinet. The experience got more intense the longer it went on until I seemed to get whiplash from the time travel. File cabinets served as Way Back Machines: I marveled at all the names in the grade books, students mostly forgotten except for a few who were memorable for being excellent or, more likely, for being annoying. The former student who now manages the bank I frequent got a B, and one who showed up in my office at least once a week did finally get a C. I found essays students never bothered to pick up at the end of the semester. A lot of the student names meant nothing to me, I am afraid. No faces to go with a lot of the names--and in some cases I could remember faces but had no idea what the names were. I couldn't find the name of the student who had a grand mal seizure in class, or that of the student whose first comment to me was "I am a congenital liar," to which I never thought to say (at the time), "Is that true?" Another had written "Writing is the confessional I never attended, the therapist I never leveled with, and the women I could never trust," a sentence I wish I had written--and he had written it over twenty years ago. I had remembered it over the decades.

I found the newsletters the remedial students wrote as assignments to introduce them to the college and the writing that the student-inmates in the prison program wrote. I taught in a college prison program for seven years, and when, as I was cleaning out, I checked the student-inmate names on the rosters I could find with the New York Department of Corrections website, I discovered that none of them had returned to a New York state prison.

This Wayback Machine travel was not a big Nostalgia Party. Allow me to digress: there were no Golden Days of Yesteryear. A colleague had a giant poster of Farrah Fawcett in her red bathing suit on his office door. One semester only the female English faculty had eight o'clock classes, but that stopped when we spoke up. There were about fourteen faculty who taught English full-time, but there were only three women including me, and when I asked why there weren't more, I was told "There weren't any who were qualified."


And the memos I found in the cabinets! The evaluations I wrote. The letters of support for promotions. The minutes of meetings that were either so general it was hard to tell what actually transpired or were detailed play-by-play. Matters decided, matters undecided. Discussion ongoing. Budget requests. Resumes. Curricula. Drafts and more drafts. Reports that probably nobody read but that had to be written per the institution. The lingo of the time: "student-centered," "goal-oriented," "excellence," "standards," "integrity," "team player." And so on. These days the lingo and the values have changed some to "strategic planning," "data-driven," "deliverables," "thought leader,"  "branding," and "elevator speech." You get the idea.

No wonder my eyes got tired from doing all that reading. No wonder I felt as if some of my brain cells had gone poof. No wonder I had burned out.

And how quickly the time had passed.

I threw out a lot. Some items I did not have to decide about right away, at least not yet, and those I put in a box labeled "Sentimental-->HOME". The prison writing, for instance. I would look through these boxes one more time before I stashed them in the garage, basement, or garbage can. For a change, I thought, I might have the time. And I had to find places for at least some of the framed photos I had taken during my travels, photos that had been on my office wall: Christo's wrapped Reichstag in Berlin; the three monks in the window in Luang Prabang, Laos; incense sticks from Thien Hau pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City, and the woman on the boat in Vietnam's Halong Bay. The photo of my friends and me on the beach. Santayana had been proven right: we live not on things but on the meaning of things.

I am still surprised at how relieved (and relieved is not overstating it) I felt after I hauled many of my work clothes--suits, blazers, dresses, shoes with heels--to the Salvation Army. And as I was thinking about retirement--that is, as the decision got closer to being made--I had the presence of mind to stop buying clothes that were for work only, and instead I bought clothes that would also be retirement-ready, more sweaters and jeans.

It may be that preparing for retirement was far worse than retirement itself. But I tried to engineer a gentle transition for myself. When my watch stopped working a year before I retired, I never got a new battery for it. Right now it feels like late summer/early fall vacation but without limit: I don't have to rush to get the living room wall painted because I don't have to go back to work full-time. I have rearranged a few pieces of furniture here and there, and in an attempt to get more into a routine, I have started to get some exercise, going for a walk or two every day. Okay, so I can get up at eight in the morning rather than at six--a small change that feels positively luxurious at this point--but then I do know I need more structure to my days. I don't want to happily fritter as much as I did those first few days although I would prefer that things develop organically (albeit with the necessary nudge) as I get used to being retired. Let me put it this way: I do know that, for a change, I do finally have time to read the funnies and the obituaries (the obituaries, especially after you get beyond the local, are often the best writing in the major newspapers--the dead beat, if you will). Being accountable only to myself in a way I was not when I was working is not a small responsibility.

I do take a certain amount of heart from reading about people who made it into their nineties. But yes, accidents do happen and life is unfair, unfair, unfair. A friend of mine who died of cancer in his forties, long ago, probably the first person of my generation I ever knew who had cancer, told me of his diagnosis and singularly lousy prognosis: "I haven't wondered 'Why me?' because, really, why not me?"

I can measure the decades I have lived by who died when.

I am sure that to some of the millenials (but certainly not all) I was content to leave in the workplace I looked like a geezer, but aside from the odd ache and pain, I don't feel old. (I assume I am not the only person to ever finally get cajoled into attending a high school class reunion and then get there, look around and wonder, "Who invited all these old people?") And although there are fewer lines and less waiting at the supermarket on a weekday afternoon than I used  to encounter after work, the place seems to be busy with people who look a lot older than I think I do.

About eight months before I retired, one day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, my car was rear-ended as I was stopped at a light on my way to work. Five feet further and I could have been T-boned into cross-traffic, possibly into the Great Beyond. My parents died in their fifties; I outlived my mother nine years ago, my father seven years ago. I am told that although I take pills for genetic middle age ills--cholesterol and high blood pressure--they are the lowest, generic dosage and nothing to worry about. Carolyn Heilbrun was right: time is a gift.

Honeymoon period though this may be, I am surprised at how much I am enjoying this time. One of the very few decisions I made fairly early on in my life was that I wanted a job that provided a way of life--as naive as that sounds now. I didn't want a job that resulted in my coming home, sitting in the La-Z-Boy and watching television. The Quakers say "Work is love made visible," and I wanted that, too. I saw the value of Robert Frost's notion (and I am sure others have had the idea) of uniting vocation and avocation. This all worked for a while--a pretty good long while, actually. I was so happy, felt so damned lucky to be doing my job, that it didn't matter to me if on occasion I heard that people doing the same job in more upscale locations or even in other departments were making more money than I was. What I was doing, teaching writing, had meaning: I was making it possible for students to better learn how to follow and develop an idea, to develop a voice and locate themselves in the world through language. Many were the first in their families to go to college and few had any ideas about what their options might be besides flipping burgers at McDonald's. Learning how to write would not get them high-paying easy jobs, but at least the process of thinking things through was not a bad habit to have.

I loved what I was doing. I worked hard. I cared. Call this altruistic, naïve, green beyond belief, and even stupid. I have.

Only later, so gradually that I am not sure it was happening, did I come to realize that yes, money and equity did matter, and, after a while, maybe I wanted to be paid in more than in more work. By then (if ever) there was nothing much I could do about the situation if I wanted to keep my job. The powers that be were the powers that be.

I loved my jobs--all of them--and to some extent the jobs in their way did love me back. For a while. The work was its own reward. But as time passed, the jobs were no longer new. Politics, change, luck. Call it whatever. Newbies were courted and promoted. I got cranky. Eventually professionalism had its limits, and I found myself driving home hoping there was such a things as karma so that X would come back as a toadstool.

At the beginning of my career I had wanted to have time to do more reading and writing--not administrivia, not marginalia, but writing of my own. But as time passed I found myself coming home as often as not with a fried brain. I had a circle of friends, some (but not enough) free time, and a mortgage.

I had a house but no real room of my own.

I had become a writing teacher--and later, an administrator--and eventually I spent my time (sans La-Z-Boy) using television as a post-work anesthetic. Not what I had planned. Granted, I was very fortunate to be able to do some of my work, at least for a while, on my own schedule. I never paid a cent for health insurance (but I do for Medicare) and I have a retirement plan: I know how fortunate I am to have those. Many years I worked only ten months. Later, the management style changed, but at least for a long time my jobs were with people I genuinely liked (although we often disagreed) and we all understood that part of our responsibility was to have opinions and to engage (long before "engage" was a buzzword). As the national culture changed from the old school shared decision- making academic to the more corporate, experience counted for less. Institutional history was seen as mostly irrelevant (despite occasional protests to the contrary).

At least I never said "We tried that in 1990 and it didn't work" out loud, although I did think it a couple times. The new workplace seemed history-free (except for occasional lip service), although a mandatory in-house professional development session began with an ice breaker that required  participants to line ourselves up according to seniority. After a while I realized that being among the most experienced (and the oldest) people in the room was getting, well, old. We are all dots in the matrix--I do get that part--but this was a matrix I did not want to be a part of any more. As I watched yet another Powerpoint that didn't seem to tell me anything I did not already know, I thought, "I have paid too many dues to have to listen to this shit." (On the bright side, I was never on the receiving end of what I think of as The Circle of Life Speech by a younger supervisor--that is, a slightly more oblique version of  "Maybe after all these years, maybe it is time to move on, don't you think? Here's your hat. What's your hurry?")

I had served thirty-nine years. Outta there.

And somewhere in the zen office cleaning, I remembered what a colleague had observed about me a dozen years ago over a beer: that I had outgrown the place where I worked. At the time I agreed, but neither he nor I could think of a reasonable alternative. I did have to make a living.

What do you make of a diminished thing? Carry on, be professional, and see what else may be available. Put on a happy face and hope they don't know you're schizoid. I asked for slightly different responsibilities and was granted a few, but the basic work situation did not change. Looking back, I think Janis Joplin was right: "You are what you settle for."

And lately I have been thinking that Mad Dogs and Englishmen were also correct in "Space Captain": "We all forgot that we could fly." That is, I had.

And so once the money seemed to be in order, the people who had told me "You will know when it is time to retire" were proven right. It was time. I was very ready to retire. Declare victory and move on. Everybody kept telling me that I would love retirement.

Thus far the most difficult part of retiring except making the decision has been going against tradition and insisting: no retirement party. I let it be known that no, please, no party. I said it again and again: no party, no party. But I would be glad to have lunch or coffee or a beer with anyone--that is, my work friends--after the new semester starts once I make it through this retirement transition. We can get caught up and reestablish the friendship on new grounds. (A former colleague even asked our mutual hairdresser: "I heard Sandy is retiring, but after all those years the schools is not going to have a party for her?")

Why no party? I imagined retirement in part to be a moving on and a return to the genuine. Genuine: no platitudes. No bureaucratic generalities. No faux sincerity. Nothing that smacks of eulogy. (No roast, either.) At this point I have no patience with false sincerity, the kind of thing that comes with putting in the institutional CD and mouthing the words (an out-of-date metaphor, I know). I didn't want to have to go to a retirement party for me any more than I wanted to go to another meeting. Enough.

I wasn't even planning on moving house, for crying out loud. I was still going to be working part time (albeit online). I had paid enough dues. I was going to morph my strong work ethic into a retirement ethic. And in this ethic--mine--I can call bullshit. Even if only privately.

Nor was I dead. Not yet, anyway. Touch wood.

Lately retirement feels something like the best part of adolescence: that time when you do not know exactly, exactly, what is going to happen next, but you do know--since, all things considered, you have been and are pretty lucky--that you have some choices and at least some means. And some time. Retirement may prove to be a time of  fashioning or refashioning myself at least a little, a time of a certain reinventing--even as I am aware that in many ways I am who I am and am already formed: brown hair, blue eyes, introvert, bitchy resting face, over-educated for where I live, but funny, not shy about sharing opinions (and now with candor rejuvenated), a traveler with one very cool passport full of visas and stamps, and, in the past, a frustrated essayist. This is a kind of adolescence informed by adulthood. I no longer have to mouth management buzzwords or speak in pop culture psychobabble. I have time to revise and rewrite.

Still, there may prove to be other options I didn't feel I had even a hundred days ago. Someone said about me when I was an undergraduate: "Give her a piece of string and she can play with it all day." True then and true now, mostly. I do like to think about things. So at this point, given time and space, I am content to land in, to dwell in, my new-adolescent version of John Keats' notion of negative capability: "when a man [sic] is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason".

I can unclench. I can relax.

In the moments when I am not doing an Alistair Sim happy dance, I can, well, just enjoy.

Most writing teachers teach the importance of clear subjects and verbs, and those parts of speech are important, but to me the connectives--e.g. and, but, because, although, since, then and such--have always seemed to me at least as important, if not more so, because, finally, they are how we put things together--not only ideas but also the stuff of our lives. And so I am aware that, Keats and retirement funds notwithstanding, I still live in a material world that includes doing the laundry, taking cholesterol pills and deliberately getting exercise in part to ward off mental decline.  (I come from a long line of list-makers, so only rarely do I feel as if I am forgetting something.) Since I tend to be home more often than in the past, I realize sooner than before that the litter box needs cleaning. I have also noticed that I am taking out loud to myself more than I used to: "Where did I put my iPhone?" (On the charging dock.) I have always spoken to my cats, so I will not worry about that until I find myself believing they are answering me in English. But the possible (I think) new normal for me lacks the impatience of my first adolescence--the wanting-to-hurry-up-to-be-a-grown-up-part even though ironically enough no doubt these days my years are more limited than they were when I was, say, fifteen. In my case all this does come with a certainty of sorts--or call it crank: I have no patience for millennial (and other) solipsism and the varieties of celebrity culture. There are things to be said for spending time with people with the same frame of reference. At this point I do know some things even if my ideas change along the way.

I do know, however, that this time, during this adolescence, I am not sleeping in rollers.

The first thing I did when I got my first full-time teaching job, one thousand miles away from where I grew up, was to adopt an orange and white kitten, one I named Rudder, daughter of Motorboat. (This was on the banks of the Mississippi.) Since then I have lived with generations of house cats.

The cats I have never tired of. For the past hundred days I have been spending as much time with them as I used to with the people at work--and more. The cats are my familiars, and in some ways I would not mind much of in my next life I came back as pampered a house cat as Doodle, Moonbeam and Swishy are.

Moonbeam the calico has always been a drama queen. I adopted her nine years ago from the humane society, and the story was that her previous family brought her in because she was pregnant and they would not be able to afford kittens. But then she miscarried and I found her crouched in the back of her metal cage; with some coaxing, she was willing to nose-touch my finger through the bars. Calicos are known for being quirky, I now know, and she is, although initially I thought she was just suffering from post-miscarriage sloshing hormones. But Moonbeam is lunar--moody, picky, a cat of little reason and a lot of attitude. Although she is a lap cat, she has always been high maintenance, a "me, me, me" cat compared to Doodle, a ginger tabby, a mellow big moosey guy, a linebacker of a cat, a snoozer, adopted when Moonbeam was. Swishy I adopted two years ago, a long-haired, long tailed cat that the humane society could not find a home for since she was adult, black, and had only one eye. I thought she was cool. She needed a home.

Moonbeam is the cat who slept at the foot of my bed and used to let me know when it was time to get up and get ready for work by walking on me. For years she followed me into the shower at six in the morning and sat on the corner of the sink. Her job was to keep me company. Or maybe she was supervising.

But my retirement has changed her routine, it appears. I do my best to get up by eight. I go to bed when I feel like it. I am home more than usual, and no doubt that small rearranging of furniture that came with retirement and the boxes of books that were parked in the living room before being relocated changed her geography, too. I left my office, my location for 35+ hours a week, to move home which to her must feel like full time, pretty much. I mean, I invaded her space.

Time and space.

A few weeks ago when she went to the veterinarian for her annual visit, the vet discovered that she had lost a little more than a pound. Since she was only nine pounds to begin with, that was a lot.

I was concerned but nowhere near as upset as I would have been had I still had full-time work responsibilities. I did not panic the way I might have a month or two sooner.

So there were tests: blood tests. X-rays. A fourteen hour fast followed by urine tests.

Forty-eight hours later: everything tested within normal range.

And then the process of elimination began. Has anything changed? the vet asked. What could be the cause of this? Moonbeam Drama Queen was eating in her usual picky fashion and she was sleeping a good eighteen hours a day. In some ways, the cats had their own separate places to snooze, but they were also doing, as they always did, what looked like kitty time sharing of the furniture. But I was home more often, in her space, and the schedule was not what it had been. I was living on Sandy Time, after all, not on Moonbeam Time.

So some days, now that the novelty is not as novel, I try to get up even a few minutes earlier than I did a hundred days ago, and when I do, Moonbeam does accompany me to the shower. When I put wet cat food on my fingers, she can be persuaded to eat a little more than she might otherwise.

I have discovered that I actually have time to think, and maybe it is good if in some ways this new adolescence never ends. I have time and space, for a change, to take at least some of the time to think and rethink, to write and rewrite, to travel inside and outside of my head to wherever I want.

And I like being able to believe--in better, quieter moments--in this retirement adolescence, now that I finally have time and space for the first time in a long time--that, one way or another, everything will all work out.

September 2015

Copyright Sandra Engel

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Here and There

(This appeared in the Utica Observer-Dispatch in summer 2015.)

I had to look Utica up on a map before I applied for a job here. The first year I was here, a colleague who had also moved from out of state said, “The locals will never let you forget that you’re not from around here.” Well, yes and no. And not long ago I found myself saying something to a newbie faculty member at MVCC, also a transplant: “It is possible to make a life here”.

Initially I planned to stay in Utica for one year, period, but at this writing I have lived more than half my life here. I have a nice circle of friends and a job that has provided opportunities that I never would have expected that day then I looked Utica, NY up in an atlas before I sent in my application. I have paid off a mortgage. I live modestly but comfortably enough.
But I am not much of a fan of Utica until I find myself hosting  company from overseas.  Don’t get me wrong: I have always liked the gritty authenticity of the place. I like the four seasons even if it seems that the street I live on is the last one ever plowed. I don’t like the regular cloud cover, the potholes, the taxes, and what I think of as the generalized seasonal affective disorder. I am still not convinced of the promise of nanotechnology. A lot of people here seem to be related. My last name doesn’t end in a vowel.  I grew up going to New Hampshire town meetings, and I still miss those all these years later, just as I miss seeing more than one candidate for each local position on a ballot. And sometimes it seems I see the same names over and over again. But that is not all that the area is—and besides, I can choose to make my life pretty much as I like by just ignoring that local closed shop and toodling along. Sometimes being ignored can be good. And I have managed to find a way to use Utica as a point of departure when I need it to be a point of departure.

This spring MVCC is hosting our seventh visiting professor from Kien Giang Community College in the south of Vietnam.  To come to Utica for nine weeks she has left her husband and two small children. As with MVCC’s previous visiting professors, Ms. Quyen Luong says Utica is a beautiful city and Buttenschon’s Christmas Tree farm is a wonder.  She had read about diners and asked to go to one, and at Crazy Otto’s Empire Diner in Herkimer she had the biggest pancake of her life (and insisted we take her photo not only of the pancake but of her with the Spiderman figure up high so she could show it to her son, a Spiderman fan).  She has learned that turtle cheesecake contains no turtle.  In the MVCC hallway, she can’t tell the teachers from the students; they are all just big, as is pretty much….everything. She touched a locker when she visited a high school, touched a football—things she has only seen in movies. Like her predecessors, she takes a photo of many of her meals before she picks up her fork.  She played the slots at the casino, and she marveled at the Tiffany lamp she saw during the tour of Saranac Brewery.  She says, “I love it here.”
She hooted and hollered at a hockey game and was thrilled when Rich Pucine, a big American friend, gave her a Comets t-shirt which is almost big enough to be a dress. “Our team won!” she said. Regardless of the weather, everywhere she goes she wears at least three layers.

And the fifteen MVCC students who have recently traveled to Amsterdam, Paris and London will have an experience similar to hers. Even the hamburgers in McDonald’s will not taste the same as home, and that is part of the fun of the travel. I have pleaded with them to not just go shopping  or find a McDonald’s in their spare  time but to seek out authentic experiences. See the Eiffel Tower, of course, but don’t see only the Eiffel Tower.
I write this in a time of increased concern with money and numbers than in the past—test scores, shrinking budgets. Another year of do more with less—or to try not to have to do less.  But even an MVCC  colleague of mine who is a bean-counter par excellance knows that life is if not just about the money and various digits. In his spare time, he dresses up as the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. Without going too far from home, he gets it: put yourself in a different place, wear different clothes, and TA-DAA! see things anew.

It’s not about the beans.
I don’t like New York taxes but shortly I will probably be retiring here—after all, my house is paid for, and if my property did not appreciate the way it might have had I bought the equivalent elsewhere, at least here I was able to afford a house. My buying a house was one of many surprises over the years.  I never expected to stay here, really, but here I am with a house that looks, well, very lived in.

Just as Quyen’s visit started to wind down and I started cleaning out 39 years of memos and assignments in my office, I was caught unaware one more time.  Another surprise: our very first visiting professor from Vietnam, in  2009, Mr. Nguyen Duy Khang, sent me an email and reminded me of how good this area  looks like through new—his-- eyes.  Now finishing his Ph.D. on a scholarship in Gdansk, Poland,  he and his wife will be visiting family in southern California this summer, and, in order to see his friends at MVCC and in Utica, they will be taking either a bus or a train, whichever is cheaper,  both from and back to Los Angeles for a two week visit to the place I once had never heard of.
And I am still here to welcome them.

This piece was originally published in the Utica, NY Observer-Dispatch.
Copyright Sandra A. Engel

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Postcards From The Delta

(Most originally published in slightly different form in the Utica, NY Observer-Dispatch during a 2003 Fulbright.)

The names of few countries are as loaded, especially for those of us of a certain age. Vietnam was the war that the U.S. lost; 50,000 American men and women died.  Plieku, Ashau, Ia Drang, Kon Tum, Danang. Hue and the Tet Offensive. The languages are as exotic as the images are horrifying: a Buddhist monk going up in flames; a GI with a Zippo lighter setting fire to a thatched hut and the final picture of a helicopter rising off the top of the U.S. Embassy as Saigon fell.
Yes, we lost the war.
But in 2001, Vietnam and the U.S. signed a bilateral trade agreement. The market is open and Vietnam is not what it used to be. Half of the country’s population is under thirty—which means they have no memory of what the Vietnamese call “The American War.” My oldest friend in Vietnam is a daughter of one of John McCain’s former guards at the Hanoi Hilton—officially “Hoa Lo,” “fiery oven” prison—built by the French to incarcerate Vietnamese, by the way. After the war, her parents named her Binh, meaning peace. The Vietnamese have gotten over the war. “Let bygones be bygones,” a political scientist in Hue told me. There is a Baskin-Robbins in Saigon and the Apocalypse Now bar is now a fern bar.
The war is over.
We lost the American War, but blue jeans and MTV and American pop culture—along with education and trade—will win the peace.
Shortly after Tet, in February, I will be going to Vietnam for a semester as a Fulbright Scholar. I will be working at a former extension center of Can Tho University (CTU), the new Kien Giang Community College (KGCC), in Rach Gia City, in the Mekong Delta and on the Bay of Thailand. Vietnam has few community colleges but is beginning to see the wisdom of building more. Several years ago then-Ambassador Pete Peterson told me, “Every person in this country is underemployed, even the woman in the rice paddy.” He’s probably right.
At KGCC I will teach English, but mostly I will help the school develop itself. I will do a lot of explaining about the American community college. I will also study Vietnamese and learn what I can about the country. I will do my best to fulfill the purpose of the J. William Fulbright Program, to increase the mutual understanding between people of the United States and those of other countries. I will try to live up to the honor of having been chosen.
A port city, Rach Gia has a population of 200,000 and is five hours by car from Saigon. Like Utica, it is on a  river and it is something of a tourist area. Like Utica, it has lots of potential, and by Vietnamese standards, it is very diverse, with substantial Khmer and ethnic Chinese populations. But there will be no drinkable water from the tap (even locals boil it). No little ice cubes in my drinks even on the hottest days. Sunscreen every day. No driving a car (though I will be driven, usually in a white Toyota). Since Vietnamese do not drive on the left or on the right but sort of like fish swim, even crossing the street will be an adventure. 
There will be no regular English newspaper, no public library, most likely no phone of my own, and certainly no unlimited internet access. No hamburgers, no half-moon cookies, no cannoli, no salads that are safe to eat—though lots of seafood and fresh peeled or cooked vegetables and fruit. Rice, rice, rice. Chopsticks. Malaria pills. No snow.
I will spend my birthday and Easter on the other side of the world in a socialist Buddhist country. I won’t see the crocuses bloom in my front yard in March, probably my favorite time of the year. I am sure there will be times I will be homesick. I will miss my family, my cat, my friends, my colleagues at MVCC and all the everyday details and routines that make up my life in central New York state. I will be one of very few Westerners in a province of more than a million people. As a woman of a certain age in Utica, I am in many ways invisible; in the Delta, as the local roundeyes, speaking little of the language, I will be anything but.
But if I wanted things to be the same as home, I would have stayed home. Call this the semester abroad that I wasn’t wise enough to take when I was twenty. Call it work, call it an adventure. Vietnam is not what most Americans think it is. It’s a country, not a war. I’ve been there before, so I have a sense of what I am getting into, and my bags are packed. I can’t wait to go.
Come along with me.             
“Why are you going to Viet-nam?”       
This is a question I have heard again and again. To some extent it is a legitimate question given that many adults equate the place with a war, and it is a place that everybody from my opthalmologist to my auto mechanic has an opinion. A lot of younger people probably couldn’t locate it on a map, through I did once have a student whose father had been in the military say, “Two tours of Nam? What did you do to deserve that?”
Originally, I went as part of a sabbatical to develop a course in intercultural communication. I wasn’t planning on falling in love with the place, and I now know the first 45 minute ride in from the Hanoi airport to the center of the city gave me a classic case of mind-blowing culture shock. The traffic drove every which way, and incongruously there were billboards for Siemens and Toyota rising out of the rice paddies as far as the eye could see. In 1998 the place was the 20th century and the Stone Age at the same time: a few white taxis as the one I was in, but also the motorbikes carrying entire families, the bicycles carrying everything from lumber to dead pigs, all to the market. Women walked along with a yoke over their shoulders and who knows what in their baskets: pyramids of green oranges, or brown hens or even lots of smaller baskets. The place was energy. The place was movement. Once I got to my hotel, I went walking again and again just to see the life on the street. I was in love.
What do I like about Vietnam? I like what I see as the willingness to work, the toughness in the face of hardship after hardship. There is no sense of the personal entitlement that I see in American culture. Certainly there is room for personality, but, at the risk of overgeneralizing, people in a Buddhist and Confucian society tend not to whine. (Whining would cause the speaker to lose face.) There is a sense of connectedness to each other—much less me, me, me. I like the wide French boulevards, the yellow stucco buildings, the palm trees that do not grow out of concrete quite the way they do, say, in Los Angeles.
The Vietnamese have an eye for beauty—not as self-conscious as the Thai and certainly not as moneyed. This is a culture that designed the conical hat, and that, on some hats, weaves in a poem or picture that is visible only if you hold the hat up to the light and look into it. I like the balance between beauty and utility. I like the national hot soup eaten at any time of the day, pho, and Tiger beer and fresh seafood.
The motorbikes, the you-can-carry-anything-on-a-bicycle mentality. So many people speak a second language. (You can tell when people were educated by what second language they speak: French, Russian, English.) The resourcefulness. The flexibility. The boys tending ducks on the side of the road, children in their plaid school uniforms with red neckerchiefs. I like that Vietnamese take a siesta from 12.30 to 2 p.m. every day, the time when it is the hottest.
I don’t like what I hear about persecution of ethnic minorities. The way the police seem to treat some people, the terrible differences between the rich and poor. I don’t like the lack of freedom of speech. (And I would add that I don't like the manifestations of such things in American culture, either.)  If I had a choice, I would prefer drinkable water from the faucet. I don’t like the August heat in New York state, and I endure it in Vietnam because I have no choice. Still, there are many fans, and the heat eventually becomes part of the exotic nature of the place.
Just as the national literary icon for the United States in Huck Finn, an orphan who has to fend for himself, so too the Vietnamese have the character of Kieu in the medieval Book of Kieu by Nguyen Du. Not surprisingly, this national child heroine is sold into slavery again and again, exploited and harmed. Her life is a vale of tears. But in the end, all ends well. Students still memorize passages of this poem in elementary school.
A few years ago while visiting Hanoi I stayed in a small private mini-hotel. The first night there I heard screaming in the hall, and I only found out why the next morning. The Texas woman across the hall from me had with her a translator and the 4 year old girl she was in the process of adopting. The child had been offered to an adoption agency because  the mother had another child with spina bifida and could no longer care for both children. So the younger child was being adopted, and that night had been the first night in her four years in a room with doors. And so she had screamed, tried to escape and run up and down the hall.
The woman from Texas and her husband had already adopted a Vietnamese boy two years earlier and brought him to their ranch. “My husband retired and he and I looked at each other and said, ‘What good are we doing anybody?’”  So they had adopted. (Curiously, the representative of the California-based adoption agency, also in the mini-hotel, knew of the city I live in—and of Rosemary Battisti and her work with local refugee children.)  They were all on Hanoi waiting for the paperwork to be finished.
The woman from Texas said she had pictures of the girl’s mother and sisters but hadn’t shown them to the girl. “I’m afraid she’ll start crying all over again.” The girl wore a hot pink pant suit and white socks and Mary Janes in the breakfast room.
“You are very brave,” I said to the mother, but I could just as well have been speaking to the little girl.
I took a good look at the Vietnam memorials on the Parkway in Utica, NY at home before I left. There is a statue near Val Bialis and then west a few blocks is a list of local people who died in Vietnam. I prefer the list of names, even they belong people I did not know.
I also like a kind of item I see in a display case every once in a while in Vietnamese museums: “Here is the uniform and shoes worn by So-and-So, brave comrade who fought valiantly during the battle of Dien Bein Phu.”
The clothes are always terrible worn and, by American standards, very small. Like the list of names on the Parkway, this reminds me this person was somebody’s child. Many of us who have not known war and who take so much for granted might do well to hear people’s stories about war and its aftermath.
Vietnam, too, has stories. It also has more than its share of museums. In Ho Chi Minh City the big draw is the War Remnants Museum. Danang has the Cham Museum, Hue has the Citadel, in Dalat, in the cool central highlands, has Emperor Bao Dai’s Palace, including his “breeze-feeling and moon-watching room.”
Hanoi has an Army Museum, a History Museum, an Anthropology Museum, and Ho Chi Minh’s Museum and Mausoleum. The art in the Fine Art museum is arranged chronologically, so when you see the art you see the culture and the history. The snazzy new Women’s Museum includes a display on women soldiers, though there is much more than that there. (I am told there is even a Border Guard Museum, although I can’t say I have been there yet.)
The best known to Americans, though, is Maison Centrale, aka Hoa Lo (“fiery oven”) Prison, aka The Hanoi Hilton. The French built this good-sized prison to incarcerate Vietnamese, though now only a small fraction of it is left. A bright new steel and glass skyscraper occupies much of the space where the prison used to be.
The skyscraper does not make the inside of the Hanoi Hilton any less somber. (You can’t see it from the inside of the prison.) Hoa Lo is a dark and limiting place; there is no doubt that this place was every bit as horrifying as we can imagine. The cells are small, dark and poorly ventilated. In the heat of the tropics, they are hot and stuffy but feel cold and dank somehow. The place feels unforgiving of everyone. I was surprised that, given the pain and controversy the place has seen, the prison did not smell.
But museums can be sanitized places. What remains? Cells, a few rooms of displays, and, since the French built the prison, there is also a guillotine.           
When I first visited Vietnam, I shied away from visiting war sites, and in some ways I still do. In Ho Chi Minh City, there are still Zippo lighters and dog tags for sale, all purported to be authentic. But according to a colleague at SUNY Brockport, Danang is now “the friendliest city in Vietnam.” And there really is a Hanoi Hilton—that is, a Hilton Hotel. The Cu Chi Tunnels have been widened to fit big Western tourist bodies when they visit, and for an extra dollar you can fire an M-16. (I didn’t.)
Vietnam is a gorgeous place. I had no idea there were so many shades of green, or how brilliant and beautiful a rice paddy could be shimmering in the sun. The thick air, the smell, the richness, the sense of possibility, the energy—these are all Vietnam.
But it must have been a hell of a place to fight a war.
I went to high school with people who went to Vietnam, two of whom ended up with their names on the Vietnam Wall in Washington: Ernie Gamelin and William Joy.
I have read a few of the stories of the people who survived the war: Lewis Puller’s Fortunate Son, for instance. Hope and Vanquished Reality by Nguyen Xuan Phong tells his story of being  a South Vietnamese delegate to the Paris Peace Talks. War Torn is a collection of reminiscences by women reporters, most of them young at the time of the war. There are many other such books.
In Vietnam I get stared at, and I smile back. I try to be careful not to offend. If everything goes as planned while I am here, everyone involved—the faculty and staff at the community college, the woman down the street who sold me Omo detergent, the waiter at the local Trung Nguyen (the Vietnamese equivalent of Starbuck’s), and even the teenage guy I asked directions of the other day, whose response I did not understand a word of, but he did point, so I got to where I was going okay—will know a little more.
Even me. Especially me.
I wouldn’t want to have to make the decisions about war and peace, life and death that people like Colin Powell have to—or American GIs here during the war had to—make. Those decisions are too difficult. I am a wimp. I admire what it takes to be a member of the military, but I doubt that I could do what the job sometimes calls for. Even when it is absolutely necessary. I leave that to others. I do value their stories, though.
Why? Because I know all too well lately that the enemy—that is, any possible enemy—has a human face.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City is where renewal—urban and otherwise—meets faith.
Six or seven years ago, the area in front of the church was unpaved and crowded before and after services. Getting in and out was like being in a Fellini movie with beggars asking for money, selling rosaries and raising their imploring faces to mine.
These days, the beggars are around the corner, and you no longer walk the same  gauntlet that makes you feel less Christian or generous or even decent than you would like. Still: do unto others,  I hear in the church, and then outside  I step over a legless beggar selling plastic statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
At home I rarely go to church, am nominally Protestant and have never been baptized. My parents wanted me to decide for myself. So I was sent to Sunday school to learn the Bible stories and color Joseph’s coat of many colors. Sundays at home I read the New York Times, take time to think and find as much rest and renewal as I can.
But in Vietnam I go to church because of the cultural experience and in part to cast my vote for religious freedom. Realistically speaking, most of my prayers happen when I am crossing the street; the traffic, at best, is a self-organizing system. The last time I saw a seatbelt was on the plane here.
The easiest churches to find are Roman Catholic, so I go there. The time of the services is never posted; I have to find someone who knows when they are. Usually the churches, like schools, have locked fences around them. There are no hymnals, no prayer books. Often men sit on one side, women on the other and children front and center. When the service is over, everyone leaves quickly. During the mass, the doors are open; the recorded organ music and voices compete with the street noise, the honking of horns and yelling of street vendors.
In church I never understand much of what is going on. The 9.30 a.m. mass in Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City lasted longer than an hour, and was in Vietnamese and English. I think I understood the Bible passage was Paul 1:20, but I could be wrong. I knew communion when I saw it, and I put money in the late when it was passed. I understood “anh chi em”—brother, sister, child, what I took as the local version as “all God’s children.” There is a wooden crucifix above the priest and a statue of Christ with a white neon halo.
“The world is charged with the grandeur of God,” the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, and sometimes I think he was right. There are rare moments when out of nowhere I find myself marveling at a baby’s fingernails or the fur on my cat’s nose. I don’t know how it got there, evolution or creation. That doesn’t matter. It just all of a sudden seems right.
In those moments I feel humble and grateful. I don’t need church for that, but sometimes it helps. Or as Santayana said, “We live not on things but on the meaning of things.”
At the church I sat myself at the back, unfortunately not near a fan. The acoustics were so lousy that most of the time I couldn’t tell if the language was English or Vietnamese. But it didn’t matter.
A young family sat down in the pew near from me. The parents and I nodded. The young son, maybe two, looked up at me. His mother tried to discourage him, but he wrest his arm free. I smiled at her and she let him go. In sandals and short pants, he moved closer.
When he got near me, with great concentration and care he hauled himself up. He knelt, then stood, holding the back of the pew, looking and looking at me. Standing there did not seem easy for him.
I smiled and said a quiet hello. I asked his name, but he was not listening. I am big and Western and I have brown hair. I am a woman of a certain age. He reached out to touch my hair. He looked at me and broke into a delighted, celebratory and yes, even holy, laugh.
Amen to that.

Most days I eat soup for breakfast.
With chopsticks.
The soups range from pho, the national salty noodle soup made with beef or chicken, to any other kind of soup—I usually choose seafood, so as to avoid chewy (formerly “running”) chicken and beef that may have been an overworked water buffalo in a previous life. The soups are always heavy on the fresh vegetables and rice noodles. The noodles are on the bottom of the big bowl, then the vegetables and fish and then what looks like a sprig of parsley. I take the chopsticks from the center of the table, wipe them with a napkin as if doing so is going to make them clean, tap their tips on the table to make sure they are even, and have them assume the correct position: the top chopstick moves and the bottom one does not. I stir the soup and lift the noodles. Slurping is acceptable. In fact, it is encouraged. A soup shop at breakfast time can be a very slurpy place.
Between the soup, the seafood and the fruit and veggies, I am planning on losing twenty pounds. I have had shrimp and crab, mudfish and eel, oyster and clam. Blood oysters. I have seen uterus (but of what?) on a menu, along with sautéed weasel and pigeon.  Fresh pineapple, watermelon, rambutan and longan.  Jackfruit. Starfruit, breadfruit, mango and persimmon.
I knew years ago Vietnam was a hat culture, so I always brought hats as gifts, not T-shirts. If the amount of soup—at almost any meal—is any indication, the south of Vietnam is also a water culture. Soup, soup, soup.  The Mekong, one of the greatest rivers in the world, has nine heads, as they are called. The “harbor” in Rach Gia City, Kien Giang Province, looks less like Boston Harbor than it does the Mohawk; the ports are the canals through town. In some areas, small boats are more common than motorbikes.
            But every time I think I know what is going on, even with the food, I am surprised.
            A few American friends and I were having dinner in a hotel in Ho Chi Minh City a while ago. Among the four of us we had, together, completed about ten trips to Vietnam. We were not Vietnam rookies. We were also, I might add, well into some Australian shiraz.
            Out of the kitchen into the dining room and to the six Asian men in the national uniform of white shirt and dark slacks at the next table the waitress brought a platter of…a critter. She carried it with great aplomb, as if this were a Thanksgiving turkey or a suckling pig. She showed it to the men and then just as quickly returned it to the kitchen.
            The creature had no head. Most food doesn’t. But that sucker was big--and it had a long tail.  And even though it had been cooked, its four legs made it look like it was at the starting line for takeoff at the Boston Marathon. It looked kind of dinosaur-like, though close to the ground. This was not T-Rex, but maybe T-Rex’s cousin with the stumpy legs.
            We drank some more wine. After the waitress returned to the men’s table with a huge pile of very dark meat, we dared ask her what it was.
            She thought for a minute and put her finger to her lips. “Very good,” she said. “Porcupine.”
            I knew I had seen no quills. I also knew that, with or without a few glasses of wine, I had no idea what a porcupine looked like without its quills. One of my friends pointed out porcupines do not have tails. This critter had had a long tail curved around its body. And I swear I saw zig-zaggy markings around the body.
            Maybe something got lost in translation.
The critter was a subject of conversation for a couple days. It was a Vietnamese dinosaur. It was the Mekong’s answer to the Loch Ness Monster. The best explanation we got was that it most likely was a kind of huge lizard. I am told that eating lizard, like eating gecko in the Delta, or drinking snake wine or scorpion wine, is a guy thing. It’s believed to be an aphrodisiac.
            I like adventure, but on this one, I am glad I am not a guy.
            The moral of this story?
Understanding is as fluid as soup and as big as the nine-headed Mekong. The minute I think I understand where I am and what is going on, something happens to remind me of how little I know and how much I can learn.
            Even as I lose weight, travel is broadening.
            Before I left home, I heard a phrase the British used about people who went off to Asia and never came back. They had “gone bamboo”. I never found a dictionary definition for the phrase, but I gather it was not a compliment.
            “Going bamboo” seems to be the kind of thing someone pasty-skinned and wearing lots of wool in damp and foggy London would say about someone who had gone to Asia, managed in some ways to become part of another culture, even as a kind of overlord or Pooh-Bah., wore light clothes and got a tan and thus by definition had gone a little bonkers. Or perhaps the heat had gotten to him. I mean, who in their right mind, given the choice of foggy London (or snowy New York state) on the one hand, and the tropics—palm trees, fresh food, light and flowing clothes, and in many ways a simple and rewarding life—would choose the tropics?
            And thus go bamboo. But I understand why someone might. I really do.
            In Vietnam I live in what is basically a studio apartment with only a teakettle, not a kitchen. I eat in the canteen, a nearby restaurant, or with Vietnamese teachers in the teachers’ dining room. The food is freshly made and is usually more than I can eat. The one time I worried about the fish, for instance, most likely coming from the river that does not always look the cleanest, I told myself the fish was at least preservative-free and not frozen. I have learned to eat just about everything with chopsticks except fried eggs.
            I am used to people staring at me. While I was walking on one of the main streets, a young woman feeding her baby on her front stoop stopped what she was doing when she saw me. She froze.
            And then she gave me a big smile.
            Staring is not considered rude here. I nodded and I smiled.
            But most Westerners—not that there are many of us here—don’t venture into such neighborhoods much.
            Living here is probably the closest to being a celebrity—albeit one unnamed—as I will ever be. I don’t have much privacy. Almost every child knows, “Hello, hello. What’s your name? Where you from?” Every day they look and they giggle. Their mothers look at me, and then if I have to ask, give me directions to the bank, which actually turns out to be a block away, or point so I can get out the raw meat section of the market, a place where I never wanted to be in the first place.
            There is a sisterhood, after all.
            Okay, so it’s more than a little warm here. The electricity goes out every once in a while, and one Sunday there was no water because of nearby construction (or so I was told). There is the occasional small lizard on the wall, one that chirps if I turn up the air conditioning too high but otherwise seems to do his (or her) job of eating the occasional bug. The morning shower does tend to be cool, and I wish there weren’t a spark every time I plug in the laptop or the hairdryer. When I first got here, I turned on one of the local TV stations looking for the evening news (any news) but instead found, to my surreal horror, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, talking black cat and all, dubbed in Vietnamese. (I had never seen it in English.)
            But the coffee is rich and sweetened espresso, and the people’s faces are great. I begin every morning by opening the outside grey  French-style shutters to my porch and windows. From the second floor I look out on palm trees, the campus, roofs of nearby houses, and the neighborhood in the distance, including one boardinghouse that has a room occupied by friends, a young newly-married couple.
            One of them works at the college, and both of them have degrees in English. One night the first week I was here, they invited me over after work. Outside their room we took our shoes off and inside we sat on the floor and ate cookies as they showed me their engagement party and wedding pictures. I daresay everything they own in their young life is in that one small room—clothes, bed, hotplate, teakettle, old computer, a couple pieces of furniture, and their one shared motorbike. I don’t know what their prospects are, but materially speaking, by American standards, they have very little. Everything they own fit into one place. They didn’t care; they invited me over. I was new there and knew just about nobody.
            How kind. How generous.
            Who wouldn’t consider going bamboo?

            Believe me, nobody found the idea of me in a motorcycle helmet funnier than I did. I am not a motorcycle helmet kind of girl.
            Or so I thought.
            But when the cultural attaché at the U.S. consulate suggested I bring one, I listened. I wouldn’t be driving a motorcycle myself, but in Vietnam 100cc motorbikes are the preferred form of transportation. A one-speed bicycle comes with my studio apartment, but it is likely I will be offered rides on the back of Honda Dreams.
            As I said, I have thus far not been a motorcycle helmet kind of girl. (Not that I had given the idea much thought.) The closest I had come to a motorcycle was reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
            My friend Bill Hysell told me what I needed to know. He suggested I go to Harley-Davidson of Utica, and he even offered to come with me, but only after he observed, “If you’re getting a helmet now, can a tattoo be far behind?”
            I don’t know about the tattoo. I do know that the people at Harley-Davidson were helpful and kind. I ordered a white DOT-approved, one with a plastic face panel. My color choices were simple: black or white. Hoping the lighter one would be a degree or two cooler in the tropical heat, I chose white.
            I decided I did not need the full-chin helmet; I am not going to be riding on the back of a hog but on the back of a piglet. I will be one of three westerners in a city of 200.000. Local folks do not wear helmets. The locals look at me no matter what I do. I might as well be safe, even if my ‘do is ruined.
            When my 12 year old nephew saw me with it on, he said immediately and with no irony, “Rock on, Sandy.”
            Regardless of how goofy the helmet looks, how much it looks like a rice cooker on my head, regardless of how un-me it may initially appear to be, I have decided that I like the kid’s attitude. Just as Henry David Thoreau suggested, I have always been a little wary of enterprises that require new clothes. No one would ever call me a fashion plate. Until I needed one, I could not even have told you where to buy a motorcycle helmet.
            This attitude has started to change.
            I plan to ask one of the women on the faculty at Kien Giang Community College to accompany me to a tailor to have an ao dai made. The Vietnamese ao dai is a high-necked, long sleeved and flowing tunic with a fitted bodice over loose trousers. For people my normal American size, ao dai need to be custom-made. The bodice has no zippers or buttons but a series of tiny snaps up one side and up a shoulder. I have already been warned that if I raise my arm too quickly I could pop all the snaps and find myself standing in front of a class or faculty meeting half-dressed. I have also been told that the long sleeves and the high neck don’t matter; the weather will be so hot that it won’t matter what I wear. I will get used to sweating. But wearing the standard local uniform for women, so to speak, sends an important cultural message having to do with knowledge of and respect for the culture, and a willingness to try to fit in (no pun intended).
            I assume the measuring process will be similar to what happened when I had a silk dress made in Ho Chi Minh City a few years ago. I picked out the material, the woman who owned the shop and I negotiated a $25 price, and then she took my measurements, shouting them out to the seamstress on the other side of the store. So much for my privacy.
            Somewhere I have read that one of the largest determiners of human behavior is location: people in supermarket act supermarket. People in church act church. I don’t know how my behavior—or I—will change once I get settled. Or if I will. The idea of my owning a motorcycle helmet still cracks me up, and the idea of my owning an ao dai still makes me smile even though I am reasonably sure that, unlike Vietnamese women who look sylphlike and graceful in it, in mine I will more closely resemble a water buffalo.
            So be it. Maybe I will learn, at 50-something, that after all, I am in fact a motorcycle kind of girl. Maybe I have already learned that I am. “I contain multitudes,” Walt Whitman wrote, and in many ways he was far more interesting than old Henry David Thoreau.
            I have in all this joking and thinking about identity learned something about attitude and possibility that I had not realized that I had forgotten—and I relearned it from my nephew. His voice is just starting to change, and in the past year he dropped out of Boy Scouts and started taking both drum and guitar lessons. He is beginning to study languages. For the first time, this year he was in charge of sound for his church’s Christmas pageant. Close to turning 13, he doesn’t have to remember or remind himself what change is like.
Rock on, indeed.
            When I was an undergraduate, I lived in International House, a dorm that housed American and international students. I had friends from Taiwan, Thailand, India, Ecuador, Tibet, Japan, Tanzania, Mexico, Ethiopia. My brother remembers my bringing them home.
            So even though I am surprised sometimes  to find myself in the Mekong Delta, at least ten time zones and 10,000 miles away from home, writing this in longhand with my hand sticking to the page in the heat, my brother is not surprised at all.
            “The house was a U.N.,” he said.
            I studied French, German, Latin and Spanish; I lasted one day in Sanskrit class. But until I was almost middle aged, I did not have the money to travel overseas.
            What I did instead is set out to make a life for myself. When I was offered a job in Iowa (not Ohio, not Idaho), I figured out an itinerary, packed my Cutlass, and left. (Two years later, I moved to Utica, New York. I first had to look it up on a map.)
            My parents were supportive, something I appreciate since few family members ever moved away from New Hampshire. There was never any question. My parents gave me the gift of going, and although they were reserved New England Yankees through and through, they managed to let me know in their way: Go. Do. Be brave.
            I can’t image anything more difficult—and happier—than teaching that to a child. And half a lifetime after my parents’ deaths, I find myself in the Mekong Delta.
            Every Vietnamese family has, in a place of honor, a shrine to their ancestors—incense sticks and fruit nearby. Vietnamese consider having children good in part because it means someone will pray for your soul when you are gone and your soul will not have to wander endlessly or remain untended. This is far more meaningful than the wry Western observation: “That kid is going to choose the nursing home I am going to end up in.” (I brought pictures of my nephews and nieces so folks wouldn’t worry about my wandering soul.)
            In the 1950s, my father made very good money, the kind that suggests a big house in an upscale neighborhood. We bought a house, but in a mill town. My best friend’s father was a foreman in a shoe shop. When I asked, much later, my father told me we moved there so my brother and I would know what the real world was like while my parents managed all the advantages: dancing school, two week vacations in Maine cottages,  and eventual trips to Europe.
            Even when they were asked, my parents did not join a country club: country clubs were exclusive. You did not choose who you spent time with based on money or social status. When I went off to college, the one suggestion my parents made was that I might not want to join a sorority. Exclusion was exclusion.
            I have spent my career in open-admissions colleges, places where anyone is welcome. And now I find myself in a socialist country that is developing a market economy. As in the United States, in Vietnam there are social classes and there are not. There is a certain sameness to the people on the street. They do all belong to the same culture, after all.
            But I’ve also seen a new BMW near the art museum in Hanoi; in many big cities there are still many street kids—unaccompanied as far as I can see—selling everything from postcards to books to Chicklets. Compassion fatigue sets in soon.
            But there are a couple restaurants in Hanoi run by a woman who trains former street kids to be waiters and cooks and thus keeps them off the street and out of the sex trade. And she puts some of her profit into what is basically a privately run sheltered workshop for the handicapped—again, getting them off the street.
            Vietnam is a place where generations of families live together under the same roof, and where any object 21 years and one day old is an antique. This is a Confucian Buddhist culture that values elders while zooming into the 21st century on a motorbike. It’s a matter of time before the boy tending a water buffalo is using a cell phone.
            Things evolve.
            Aa at the community college I work at in the U.S.,  many students in Vietnam are the first in their families to go to college. They want to go. They want to do. They are curious. When my American students are apprehensive, I say, “Remember first grade? Remember how second grade sounded so frightening? The next step always is. You’ll be fine.” I try to give them the gift of going—or at least some encouragement.
            As I write this draft, my books on the community college and ESL are nearby, the BBC on the radio is a little faint and the sun is going down on the Bay of Thailand. I wonder how my cat is doing, what political highjinks are afoot at home and what changes I will see on my return.
            To their credit, my parents always had books around the house: the World Book, Nancy Drew and Dr. Spock. I don’t have a shrine to my parents, but I find myself thinking of them lately, and I think they would agree with writer Barry Lopez:
            “Finally, I said, ‘tell your daughter to get out of town, and help her do that. I don’t necessarily mean to travel to Kazakhstan, or wherever, but to learn another language, to live with people other than her own, to separate herself from the familiar. Then, when she returns, she will be better able to understand why she loves the familiar, and give us a fresh sense of how fortunate we are to share these things.”
            Go. Do. Be brave.

Riding on the back of a motorbike is fun. There’s a breeze, so it is literally and figuratively cool. I get looks because sometimes I am  one of a few people wearing a motorcycle helmet—and a dorky white one at that. My head is hot, but the rest of me, for the 15 minute ride to the market, is cool.
            Though there are daily accidents, the back of a motorbike is probably the safest way to travel. Walking is sweaty business. My bicycle is usable but the motorbike, car, van and cement trucks and pedicab traffic—plus pedestrians in the road—is daunting. The streets are noisy and the traffic moves the way fish swim. Mostly nobody bumps into anybody, but there’s a lot of speeding up and slowing down, and more maneuvering than I can easily do while wearing trifocals in a strange neighborhood.
            Even more difficult than navigating the traffic, learning a language in middle age is an act of love. That’s the only way I can explain it. I have studied French, German, Spanish and Latin. I like languages. But Vietnamese is a tonal language, and sometimes I genuinely dread the difficult lessons.
            Vietnamese has five tones. Ma said with one tone means mother. In another team it means horse and in a third it means rice seedling. Every syllable has a different tone. One tiny flyspeck diacritical mark separates the word to live from the word for river.
            On the bright side, the words for water and nation are the same—and they are pronounced the same. Hallejullah. But it is almost impossible for my mouth to make an ng sound without my tongue touching any part of my mouth, but that seems to be what I need to learn. There is a sound that is between a D and a T but I have problems making it. I am a visual learner, but seeing the words is not helping me say what I need to say.
             I am slow. I mispronounce. I stammer. I strain. Be that as it may, at an International Woman’s Day gathering in early March I was asked to speak in two languages. A Vietnamese friend helped me prepare and listened to me practice for hours. In my traditional ao dai I went to the podium and spoke. I am told I said things correctly. I know the audience applauded even though I suspect my Vietnamese made absolutely no sense.
            There is a part of me that is lost in translation here in Vietnam. I have reconciled myself to the fact that a good chunk of the time I do not really know what is going on. I have had to grow accustomed to never hearing the word no. Instead I hear “Maybe next time,” or “not yet” or “maybe later”. “Not yet” is a way of saying no without embarrassing anyone—me for asking or the speaker for having to give me bad news, a no. “Not yet” is a way of saving face. When I hear it, I smile and nod.
            I smile real hard here—and a lot. Every once in a while I don’t even understand what I hear in English. A couple times I have not been sure if the person speaking to me is speaking English or Vietnamese. Weird.
            A fellow Westerner advised me when I got here, “You have to be Zen about this place.” He was right, and I have been trying to be. So I have resolved to try to reprogram my brain—to look less hard at the print on the page and to listen more carefully to the sounds.
            In the meantime, it is kite-flying season in Rach Gia. There is always a breeze on the Bay of Thailand, but people here fly kites only at this time of year. Every night on the city’s coast hundreds of people gather to fly them as the sun sets. They bring a picnic or buy food from vendors. It’s a happy, fun event.
            Occasionally a kite crashes, but mostly they go as high as they can. It really is a magical sight. As the sun sets in bright shades of pink and blue on the Bay of Thailand, the sky is filled with giant yellow and green butterfly kites—plus fluorescent sharks, red dragonflies, and even a few clear homemade kites with hundred-foot long colored tails, all adjusting one by one as they move on the invisible air.
I spent Sunday morning in a garbage dump, and I would do it again in a minute.
More than that, I did this with Professor Ken Herrmann of SUNY-Brockport and his students spending three months in Vietnam in a unique study abroad program that combines learning and service for 15 credits.
Over the years, some people in Vietnam have moved from the countryside to the city in search of a better life. Unfortunately, this better life has not always happened, and as a result, over 450 families live and/or work near Khanh Son garbage dump in Danang. Some literally live on the garbage mountains that rise from the side of the dirt road running to it; the people fashion lean-tos and then try to make a living by doing what we would politely call recycling: they collect and assemble anything that might be salable: plastic bottles, for instance.  If they don’t live on the garbage dump, they live nearby and go to work, if you will, picking garbage. Sometimes the worker is the father, sometimes the mother, and sometimes the whole family, including the children, work there. (Not surprisingly, this is not a healthy place to work.)
So on Sunday morning, we loaded a truck with food and detergent and went out to the dump. Residents and other workers had had to put their names on a list to be able to get a ticket and then get a package. (To do otherwise is to risk a fight or even a riot; think of a bakery without a number system right before Thanksgiving.) We took a tour, if you will, of the dump, and then as word spread that we had arrived, people started to arrive at the truck. As the students handed out the food to people with tickets, they used both hands, smiled and made eye contact—all of which was culturally exactly right. The temperature was over 90 degrees, but they never flagged in over two hours of constant work.
As for me, my part was small. I helped keep people in line, and I took pictures. But mostly I marveled, I just plain marveled, at what was going on around me.
I have seen extremely rich and poor in both the United States and Vietnam, but I had never seen people who lived—lived—in a garbage dump. They were as noisy and as polite as any other group of people I have encountered in Vietnam, and I suspect that even if we had not been distributing food, they would have been just as friendly. It’s just how people are here. The whole operation managed to seem both efficient and generous. The undergraduate students had been in-country only two weeks, and I can’t imagine a more powerful experience. This is my sixth trip to Vietnam, and I thought I’d seen everything.
“Make yourself useful,” my mother used to say, and the Brockport in Vietnam program provides not only coursework but also an opportunity to work with lepers (more politically correctly referred to as people with Hansen’s Disease), people in a nursing home, and children affected by Agent Orange.  The program is open to students at any university, and, depending on the home university, the cost of three months in Vietnam may be less than the costs of going to school in the U.S.
A word of caution, however: Vietnam is not a travel destination for wimps. You can find whatever you want here: resorts, golf courses, ecotourism and snorkeling, and lots of history. You can find streets right out of Paris. But living here is not the same as a semester in London studying Shakespeare. The people are the friendliest I’ve ever met, and on the whole, the place is absolutely gorgeous. But travelers need to learn how to cross the crowded streets, and sooner or later every Western passenger in a vehicle closes her eyes because she is convinced they are going to have an accident and she will die on the spot. The more off the tourist trail you get, the more high-impact, if you will, the place is.
Once in the Mekong Delta as I was walking along the shady side of a street and carrying my conical hat, a woman vendor wearing a conical hat motioned for me to put mine on. I obliged. Clasping her hands in front of her, she went into gales of laughter. I laughed, too; I have seen myself in the mirror and I know what I look like in the hat. I am more than a little incongruous in a conical hat. But I’m also here. 
If I had it to do over, I’d have one of the other vendors take my camera and take a photo of the two of us, the vendor and me, in our hats, just to commemorate the occasion.
I will never get used to being a celebrity, to being identifiably not a local. Never. But I am getting very used to the fact that I may well be one of the first—or the first—Westerner some people have ever encountered. This is not the case in Hanoi or Saigon, but it may be the case in other places I find myself. I am myself here, but I am also a representative of an outside country—a country that fought a war here some years ago. As Ken Herrmann points out, we can’t change history, but we can try to make new history. He has a deep, booming, enthusiastic laugh, and he tells a story about meeting the family of a Vietnamese soldier who had been killed during the war by Americans. The children had been taught that Americans were devils. But as he left after meeting them, one member of the family told him through a translator, “Anyone who laughs the way you do cannot be the devil.”
In one case I was told at the end of the visit that I was the first Westerner ever invited into one family’s house, and I know there may have been others even though no one mentioned it. Some of the families have been well-off, and one didn’t have electricity or running water. At first I thought my being this kind of novelty was unusual, until I realized a few days later than Oneida County, New York, where I live, has had 10,000 immigrants and refugees arrive in the past ten years, and, well…I have not had occasion to invite even one of them into my house.
If my behavior is any indication, maybe New York and Vietnam are not so different despite their differences.
So if you want high-impact travel, come to Vietnam. And if you’re staying home, do yourself—and all of us—a favor: invite someone in.
Make history.
            The military guys have left town.
But let me begin at the beginning, starting with my having been located in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, three hours from the Cambodian border.
A few weeks earlier a Vietnamese friend of a friend told me that he’d met four Americans in town, two of them African-American, and in some combination from Virginia, Texas, and Hawaii. He said they were “very big” and they had told him they were here “digging holes.” Three had shaved heads and one looked like Mike Tyson, he said.  The first names he told me sounded like they were four characters in a John Wayne war movie—Chip, Joe, Rocky.  My friend of a friend—let’s call him Lam--knew their ages and where they were staying. I explained to him that usually in the U.S. I’d know where someone worked before I would know anybody’s age.
But things are different in Vietnam, where the terms of address in Vietnamese require that you know someone’s age. Asking such things is a habit of English-speaking Vietnamese. He had run into them on the street, and when they asked, he’d helped them find a good restaurant. His English is very good.
Then a few days later he told me there were now fifteen American men who said they were here digging holes. He didn’t know all their names and ages any more, but he knew they were here for a month. I gave him my bilingual business card and asked him to show it to them and ask them where they worked. I figured oil drilling. Or doing something for the local cement industry. Multinational companies do not send laborers to Vietnam, I figured, but who knew?
Lam also told me that he thought one  “has a very generous heart” because as one night wore on, he had asked him if he wanted another beer, counted how many empties were on the table, and then bought beer for everyone. Plus he always tipped the waitress.  As kindly as I could, in that teachable moment, I explained to Lam that the guy’s heart may well be generous—I don’t know—but what he was doing was called “buying a round.” It’s what Americans do, I explained, and yes, they normally tip the server. These were idioms and customs he had not known.
            Eventually one night my business card went around in the bar, too, and Lam told me one of the guys said he was from a place very near my city when he saw the card. In fact, he sent the now-soggy business card back to me (everything sogs in the Delta, even outside a bar) via Lam with SAUQUOIT written in ink in block letters along the top of the English side of the card. Sauquoit is a small town ten miles from where I live in upstate New York when I was not in Vietnam. “They are technicians,” Lam told me. “He asked me to bring him here to meet you last weekend, but I could not,” he said.
By this time I had heard a rumor that there was an American MIA team in town working outside the city. I wasn’t really sure what that meant except that maybe the guys were not here drilling for oil.
Understand that I was in Rach Gia, on the Bay of Thailand. For the most part, this is not a tourist destination. Without the fifteen men, the Western population of this city of almost 200,000 consisted of a Swiss woman married to an overseas (and frequently returning) Vietnamese; an Australian woman here working for a water company; an English teacher from New Jersey; and me. English spoken by a native speaker was not something I heard a lot of.
So Lam gave me the hotel and room numbers for Mr. Sauquoit, I left a message at his hotel in my halting Vietnamese, and he called me back. We talked for a half hour and agreed to meet the next night.
We met at Em Va Toi, (You and I), a coffee shop and bar. He brought another guy (a Marine, no less) and I brought the male English teacher from New Jersey, though both left after a half hour.  We had a beer.
Since this essay is not cleared by the US military—I don’t have that kind of time or influence—I can’t tell you Mr. Sauquoit’s name or rank. I can’t even tell you what branch of the U.S. military he is in. I can’t tell you where he has been stationed.  I can tell you that his was an interesting enough story.  I hope his family is proud. And maybe finally that is what matters the most here, that his family knows exactly who he is, even if you, dear readers, do not. It’s his job that is most important, finally.
I can tell you that the rumor I heard along the way that an MIA team was in town was true.  He was a part of the Joint Task Force for Full Accounting, which has its headquarters in Hawaii. Their task is to investigate, recover and positively identify the remains of American service personnel who were lost. (You can check out JTFFA on the Web.) Nineteen hundred were MIA in Vietnam. But JTFFA has also been to Laos, Bosnia, and many other places.
Basically, as I understand it, they block off an area where they have reason to believe there are remains into a grid with string and start to dig and sift. And sift. And sift. “It’s Groundhog Day,” he told me. “You ever see that movie?”  The same thing over and over. And it’s also archaeology. And it’s important.
They would be leaving in a few days, and maybe they would be returning or maybe another team would be returning. Or not. It depended on what the people in Hawaii who analyzed what the MIA team here found decided. They had come to look for a month for the remains of a single downed pilot. They would not know for certain if they had successfully found what they had been looking for until everything got analyzed and evaluated. He didn’t know for sure, and I may never know. But what I heard that night was heartening—if in fact what they found is confirmed as what they were looking for—and it may be a relief to an American family somewhere.
As with a lot of folks, Mr. Sauquoit’s work goes largely uncelebrated. And when, in contrast, I said my working with a developing community college seemed feeble compared to what he does, he shrugged. “We all play a role.”
I had gotten used to what I think of as Asian indirectness and tact, to just about no one ever saying no directly, but such a comment seemed, especially for an American, even-handed to the point of generosity. It’s the long view rather than the short view, the kind of inclusive view rather than my job is better than yours and my house is bigger than yours that a lot of Americans seem concerned with. At least from 10,000 miles away. He and I agreed in the course of the conversation that most Americans have no idea how good they have things.
Understand too that I came of age at a time when peace was good and the military was bad—largely because of the war in Vietnam. Right there, where we were.  One of the many ironies of my working in Vietnam off and on the past few years is it has made me much more appreciative not of the military in general but of the individuals that make up he military. Granted, maybe some are still a little creased and starched compared to my artsy-fartsy tendencies to make inductive leaps from A to J. No doubt some of the people I know who are militarily-inclined think I’m nuts. But when Mr. Sauquoit and his friend were a little late to meet us, my friend and I agreed they would show up. Those “army guys”, as we were calling them before we knew what branches of the military they were in, “don’t fuck around.”
There are at least two morals to this story, maybe three. First, the world is small. Two people from Oneida County, New York, in Rach Gia on the Bay of Thailand where most days there are four westerners? Coincidence happens.  Or maybe it’s synchronicity. I don’t know what to call it.
And too, there is Lam’s role in this. The people I had once thought of as “the army guys” had offered to pay him for translating and whatnot, but he had declined. For a few beers and the chance to practice his English, he showed them the local discos and found them motorbike drivers and whatever else (possibly women, but I didn’t ask) a few nights each week they were here. “We are friends,” he told them, and he even took Mr. Sauquoit to meet his wife and two small children at home, to what some might call his tin shack. I still don’t know if he knows what they were really doing—it wasn’t a secret, just something they choose not to advertise--but for him it may not matter. Lam still speaks of them fondly. He has made American friends. And he was right, even though buying a round of beers is not the example I choose: the work the MIA team was doing, grubby and thankless as it might sometimes be, does indicate a generous heart.
And there’s more. After the team left, I explained whom I had met and what they were doing to a young Vietnamese friend. She was 22 and had no memory of the war. I explained, “He was from my city. The US military was looking for the remains, the bodies, of American soldiers who they think died here.” She did not understand until I said, “For their families.”
            Then she understood.
Generous hearts all around.
In mid-June, U.S. ambassador Raymond Burghardt came to visit KGCC where I am working, and I have to admit that the US flag flying on the Land Cruiser as we went through town looked damned good, so much so that I took more pictures than I would like to admit. And I did this wearing my very best ao dai.
The ambassador came to visit because I was the first community college to community college Fulbrighter to come to Vietnam and because Dr. Tran Xuan Thao, Director of Fulbright in Vietnam,  suggested it to him.
This is a country that needs economic and educational development, and the American community college model provides a potentially useful model. We provide short- and long-term training and education. The community college makes education available to everyone—some people have been surprised that even with a Ph.D. I have taken courses at MVCC. Our door may be open to anyone, but I would match our standards for graduation with those of any other college. And our graduates get jobs.
“We are the people’s college,” I tell people. In Vietnam at that time only 10 percent of the high school graduates went on to higher education, and the country knows it needs to provide more opportunities. A community college can increase opportunities is lots of ways.
There are lots of ways that Vietnamese and US partners could begin—or continue—out connections, starting with faculty and student exchange. As I told the ambassador, both Rach Gia and Utica are in the real world. The people in both cities both have strong backs and big hearts.
Maybe that’s part of why I like it here.
As I said, it was really something to see the small U.S .flags above the headlights--just like on The West Wing—going down the main street, Nguyen Trung Truc. I say this not having had enough time to be homesick, although I did have a dream about a Land’s End catalog. And, as hard as I’ve worked and as busy as I have been here, I never thought for a moment that I’d hear a high-ranking member of the Provincial People’s Committee say at the lunch with the ambassador, “Everybody who has met Sandy loves and respects her,” which prompted the ambassador to raise a toast, “Thank you for your service to two countries.”
I was so taken aback that I remember that I sort of raised my glass, thanked them, and probably said something so inane that mercifully, I have forgotten it.
Even if this kind of thing is just social noise, or even just standard operating procedure in diplomatic circles and the kind of thing that has been said a thousand times, it as the first time I had heard anything like hat.
I do know that in the time I have been here, in a time of war, when KGCC students were protesting the war in Iraq, as sappy as this sounds, I did in a very small way do what I could for peace.
As I have told people here, sometimes Americans say we have to make our opportunities and not wait for things to transpire. Still, we cannot predict the future. But I have started to think about other essays. I have invited to give a presentation on the community college and Vietnamese education by the equivalent of the US Department of Education.
Between now and then, I’ve ben invited to attend a U.S. Independence Day party at the Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City. Unfortunately, the person I know best, Robert Ogburn, public affairs officer, can’t be there.
By the way, he got his start at a community college.
My guess is that it will be a diverse crowd, and I’m curious to go because everyone I have been at the consulate has been a class act.
Maybe we’ll eat hotdogs (my first in at least 5 months) and hamburgers and corn on the cob. Watermelon is grown everywhere here. I doubt there will be American fireworks over Ho Chi Minh City, but you never know.
There will be an American flag there, though. Right now there is nowhere I would rather be on the fourth of July.
It’s almost time to leave.
I’ll miss the smiles the most. I’ll miss my colleagues and friends here at Kien Giang Community College (KGCC). I’ll even miss being a minor celebrity—-such as it has been—-with local people looking at and even staring at me, as if they are surprised I exist among them in the same world. Here in Kien Giang for a semester I have been remarkable; at home I will go back to being invisible. Here my presence has made two children cry.
I will not miss the heat and the blazing midday sun.
I will miss the sunsets over the Bay of Thailand, the lush smell of the tropics, a smell that changed almost day to day. I’ll miss the chirp of the lizard high up on the bathroom wall when I crank up the air conditioning, as if he were saying, “too cold, too cold.” I’ll miss the sheer romance (no pun intended) of sleeping under pale blue mosquito netting. I’ll miss the midday siesta and the daily adventure being here has provided. When you’re in a place where your grasp of the language is marginal at best and you don’t look like a local, even a trip to the market has the potential for turning into a goodwill tour with people staring and smiling and children calling, “Hello, hello. What’s your name? Where you from?” (Or, I suppose, if things had gone badly, there was always the potential for an international incident, now that I think about it.)
I’ll miss riding on the back of a motorbike.
My time here has been an extraordinary experience beyond even what I expected, and I expected a lot of this country and of myself. I thank the J. William Fulbright Program for the opportunity. Rector Do Quoc Trung, Mr. Nguyen Duy Khang and the faculty and staff here at KGCC have been patient and generous. President Michael Schafer and the MVCC Board of Trustees were enlightened enough to make my accepting the Fulbright possible, and my family, friends and colleagues provided support from afar. Dr. Tran Xuan Thao of Fulbright in Vietnam was gracious and helpful, as was Tom Carmichael, the US Embassy’s Public Affairs Officer. In Ho Chi Minh City’s US Consulate, Robert Ogburn, Shannon Dorsey, Vo Dac Khoi, and Nguyen Huu Luan (who got his MA from Cornell, by the way) were the best support troops I could have asked for. US Ambassador to Vietnam Raymond Burghardt was professional, informal, and generous. Everybody at KGCC liked him. Bob Ingalls provided Boilermaker Road Race in Utica  baseball caps—-one of which I gave to the Ambassador, along with a pitch for the race—-and Friendly’s provided menus for teaching tools for ESL. Alex Wood was as good a neighbor as I could have had. My friends at The Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University offered daily email support, and my debt to MVCC former Vice President for Instruction John Bolton for suggesting that I travel to Vietnam in 1998 and later that I apply for a Fulbright is absolutely unpayable. As are my debts to Bob Lacell and Sharon Zohne at MVCC and to Beth DiCocco at the Observer Dispatch [where many of these pieces were first published]..
It’s going to be hard to say goodbye. Hen gap lai: hope to see you again.
I have to admit that going home worries me a little, though. I’m afraid it won’t be long until all this seems far away and long ago, and, after all, I can’t expect people to listen to every Vietnam story I have. Did I tell you about the time I had dinner with middle school teachers who live without water and electricity in the countryside? Did I tell you the story about the tour guide named Tango? Did I tell you about the trip to the hospital, or about being locked on campus (as close to house arrest as I ever want to get) after war with Iraq broke out?
Even if this wasn’t a vacation, we all know how boring other people’s vacation pictures can be. My stories may be, too.
You had to be here.
I am afraid, too, that about the third time someone complains to me about a hangnail, I am going to lose it bigtime. “You call THAT a problem? What kind of whining self-obsessed jerk are you? You should be ashamed.”
But it is time to say hello to my family and friends. Phone calls to and from Vietnam are some of the most expensive in the world, so I haven’t spoken to anyone I’ve known for any length of time for months although we have exchanged almost daily email. I’m also looking forward to drinkable tap water, long roaring hot showers, using bath towels that do not seem a little damp, listening to NPR, and hearing the sweet (yes, sweet) sound of a vacuum cleaner. Reading by incandescent lights. Talking to lots of people who speak English. Reading a couple newspapers in English every day. I’m looking forward to going to a library and driving my car. Ordering from Lands End since I’ve lost weight—-one size and maybe two. Back in that parallel universe, I want to get my hair done.
I am looking forward to convenience.
And I am looking forward to seeing my cat Camden, tended all these months by my friend John Gilbert whom I cannot thank enough. I want to see my family and friends, but I also really want to see Camden at home, curl up on the foot of the bed, yawn, blink once at me, and then fold her tail over her nose and go to sleep.
Then I’ll know I’m home.
Now I understand the phrase “re-entry adjustment”, cousin of culture shock, far better than I did before I spent a semester in Vietnam. I hadn’t counted on how good hearing “welcome back” or hearing how many people telling me they enjoyed my columns would sound.
I am happy to see my family and friends, to safely drink water from the tap and to be in the land of free speech and a free press. In a lot of important ways, it’s really good to be back.
But I came back to surprises. I came back to learn about “freedom fries” and that duct tape is an offensive weapon. Seeing a “Give War a Chance” t-shirt was a little disconcerting.
The morning news still tends to begin with an announcement of how many have been killed in Iraq, and I am at a loss as to why more Americans are not protesting. Considering the intelligence and good sense of the few people I met who work for the U.S. State Department in Vietnam—and by extension, the State Department anywhere overseas—I do not know why our foreign policy is what it is. Maybe Defense has more to say than State. I just don’t understand.
Back home, having a choice of 30 different sizes and brands of mayonnaise and more than 60 television channels seems a little more than unnecessary.
Most Americans do not have any idea how good we have things and how much we take for granted. In Vietnam I had an authentic—that is, not designed for tourists—experience. Some homes I visited were nicer than mine; some were not, and others had no running water and only a generator. But the people were unfailingly generous and friendly.
I miss the smiles.
I miss riding on the back of a motorbike—not rolling thunder but angry buzzing bees. I miss being in traffic, handlebar to handlebar. Cars, trucks, motorbikes, vendors pushing carts, yoke ladies, pedestrians—these are all on the street in Vietnam. Life on the street there is rich.
I miss the smell of the tropics and the sense of possibility. I have heard that Vietnam has changed more in the last 10 years than in the last 100, and I believe it. The constant movement, the people who manage to work hard and to be consistently pleasant—all this and the smell of the tropics suggests, despite the constraints of tradition and the government, that almost anything can be accomplished.
I am back. I know I will spend even more months getting caught up with what happened with my friends. I have also found in myself, in weird moments of hubris, wondering how people around me managed without having such a powerful and possibly transformative experience as I did. I am enormously grateful for having been able to leave—and for being able to return home, too.
I do not miss seeing the role Vietnamese women are sometimes expected to play: to get married and to serve the husband’s family. Most of the people with authority in Vietnam were men; the glass ceiling is there, too.
Many people did not understand how someone would manage to be single and childfree—and that it would be an acceptable way of life. I tried to explain it again and again. But finally I just said, “It’s different in the U.S.,” and let it go at that. I did not try to explain how invisible I would be, back here, as a middle-aged woman. Things here are not perfect in the land of the young and the cute.
In the next month or so I will plant crocus bulbs so they bloom at the end of the winter. At about the time other people are reading seed catalogs and planning their gardens, I’ll be browsing through travel books. Cuba, Tibet, Morocco: I have a list of future destinations. In the past, every time I returned from Vietnam, I assumed I had finished with the place, but now I know better: I know I’ll go back.
And I know that the hardest part of going  anywhere is getting off the couch, and now, traveling to see something I already recognize—the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa—will not be exotic enough. I have learned in my relaxed, not-so-destination-driven kind of travel, things happen. On China Beach an old man with one eye stopped and had a long and one-sided conversation with me in Vietnamese, and I saw my first Vietnamese cross-dresser. I met students who were the first in their families to go to college—and their $100 tuition was paid for by their American relatives. One vendor told me that if I didn’t buy a mango from her that day, her babies would not eat. When I broke down and bought one for all of 30 cents, she sat down next to me and ate one, too,  nice companionable gesture. I met people who I later heard had been Viet Minh war heroes and people who fought on the side of the south. Vietnam is a complicated place, and it yields a lot of stories.
I want to live more stories.
I was away too long but there for too short a time.
Once I returned, after I’d slept for a week, I finally unpacked my suitcases: photos, silk scarves and skirts, t-shirts, a copy of Jane Eyre (my favorite book) in Vietnamese. My beloved white motorcycle helmet. I put my suitcase in the basement.
I got my hair cut, bought milk and eggs and convenience foods and got used to the abundance and comfort of being at home. (My cat did recognize me and meowed at me for 15 minutes before hopping onto my lap.) I started to settle in. And then, as I have in the past, I bought a new travel journal and put it in that suitcase as a promise to myself that, one way or another, I will go again.

Copyright Sandra A. Engel